huntin camp trashed

Guest gabuckbuster03

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Guest gabuckbuster03

yesteday me and my pa went to our huntin camp to try to get a little huntin in when we get there we come to find that someone has broken in to it they ramed the gate knocked it down went to our shed completely trased it. it a huge mess now. my buddy who lives down th street said he heared some shot from our place he also said that a few months back he saw some one with a pregnant doe leavin our place

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Re: huntin camp trashed

thats the one thing we fear, we have a lease and have a popup camper on it, we cant gate it becouse it has oil pumps on it and the oil people have to check them daily they tell us they will try to keep an eye on it when they are there, we keep most of our hunting stuff, and cooking gear in it when were not there, and like you said people just dont respect others property, just wondering when we will go up and see it trashed and our stuff stolen

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Re: huntin camp trashed

Sorry to hear about your camp.

Place some "SMILE your on camera" signs around the place...even if there are NO cameras in place. It will give them food for thought if there is REALLY a camera around.

I had a similiar problem with people who dump garbage, since I put up the signs, no more garbage.

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