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I think the silvia fight in the next one will be interesting. That guy is like a freggin tank. And a heck of a submission artist. Tim has the range and legs but man if he gets hold of him it could be a bad night. I am for chuck whippin up on tito. Rich franklin got messed up when he lost his title, it looked like he did not even train for the fight. That guy has deadly knees.

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Yeah Rich should have played that one smart and tried to take him down to the ground...I was pretty upset ssince I am a franklin fan. I see hughes coming out on top in the next one but it will be a tough fight. I do not like tim silvia and it makes me sick he is from the same camp as matt hughes. He just dont seem like he even cares enough to keep himself in shape.

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I love watching it and like Matt Hughes.

Am afraid it's going to only be a Pay per view sport and I ain't paying $40 for a fight. I won't pay $40 to watch the Packers play for 3 hours, certainly won't pay that for a fight that may last 1 minute....but of course, that's just me cool.gif

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I love watching it and like Matt Hughes.

Am afraid it's going to only be a Pay per view sport and I ain't paying $40 for a fight. I won't pay $40 to watch the Packers play for 3 hours, certainly won't pay that for a fight that may last 1 minute....but of course, that's just me cool.gif

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A lot of sports bars show them for very little or no cover. Thats what I always do.

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yea UFC is awsome i watch every pay per veiw..now my opinions on fighters...matt huges is an outstanding fighter and i htink hes going to retire with the belt hes to powerful and well versed ...dissapointed that rish franklin lost...that bum...and i cant wait for ortiz and the ice man to bang it out in december thats going t obe a good fight... ortiz is deffiantly coing back but i htink he might ahve takin this fight to soon...i think he should have mabye faght once or twice mre but it should be interesting

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