Jim Shockey??


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Re: Jim Shockey??


I am with the author....now I have never met Jim and haven't watched him much...

But something about him just rubs me the wrong way. I can't even express what it is.

Prolly a good guy though.

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Same here, don't really know why.


I like him, but I lost alot of respect for him when he switched from Knight to T/C rifles. For how many years he claimed Knight had the best gun on the market, then the next T/C has the best gun. That tells me hes in it for the money.

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Or maybe T/C started making a better product than Knight. In our fast paced world many companies adapt quickly and raise their quality. Look at the Hyundie (sp?) cars. 10 years ago they were a joke, now they are competing with Honda, Toyota and Nissan pretty well.

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Re: Jim Shockey??


So far 3 out of 4 people that don't like him are southerners. Huh????? confused.gif

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Hmm? No comment, just Hmm?

I do watch and enjoy most of his shows. There's just something about him that rubs me the wrong way. Not like Tred Barta does, just a little. Can't really explain it either.

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Re: Jim Shockey??

I hunted with his outfitting business twice. Both were sheep hunts. On my Dall sheep hunt I had a guide of his with me and we had a great time on a great hunt. I booked a stone sheep and got Shockey s my guide on that one. He is stuck on himself and is pretty arrogant but he will work his arse off for his huntrs. I like him as a guide and outfitter but not as a hunter. I killed a Dall sheep with him but not a stone sheep. I booked my next stone sheep hunt with a different outfitter.

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Guest Zemmer18

Re: Jim Shockey??

I enjoy his shows and he seems like a good guy just as most of the others on tv but I too have noticed he seems stuck on himself at times. Doesn't make him a bad guy and he gets the job done so to me is an excellent hunter.

Now Tred is another story but he has the same reputation as Howard Stern. The reason people tune in is to see what he is going to do or say next because let's admit it, he does some things completely different than others so most people don't agree with them and pass judgement.

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Re: Jim Shockey??

One thing I forgot to add about Shockey was, the segment of his show ; that is sponsored by Leupold" The Big Ones". I just L O V E that old footage of Howard Hill back in the day. AWESOME. Those segments alone...to me, makes his show one of my outdoor favorites.

Howard Hill...now theres a hunter and a pioneer to which we all owe gratitude.

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Re: Jim Shockey??


I like him, but I lost alot of respect for him when he switched from Knight to T/C rifles. For how many years he claimed Knight had the best gun on the market, then the next T/C has the best gun. That tells me hes in it for the money. Good hunter though.

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What are you guys even talking about ... what has Knight done to really take the Muzzle loader market ... the Revolution? .... give me a break ... even knight admits that gun was a failure ... when Shockey had Knight he was shooting the Elite ... one of the best BP rifles out that and at the time very cutting edge ...

Then TC comes out with the Encore ... Oh my ... KNight doesn't have anything cutting edge right now to compete with the Encore or the Pro Hunter ... I dont even think this Evolution is going to do it for Knight ... that Pro Hunter has such a strong market right now ... there is a reason TC is backordered on that rifle ... ppl switch brands all the time ... that has nothing to do with his personality ... I havent ever met the guy but I do enjoy watching his show ... would I ever hutn with him ... probably not ... one couldnt afford it and 2 there are a list of about 40 otther ppl I would rather hunt with ...


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Re: Jim Shockey??



Dave Watson(whrever he is???). They all three seem 'real', tho I have only me Watson.

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I'm guessing you didn't hear what he did to his message board and members?

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I don't really know what he did to his message board and members, but how can you honestly respect someone that shoots a Switchback XT? grin.gifgrin.gif

J/K of course, don't nobody go threatenin' no-one now. tongue.gif

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Re: Jim Shockey??




Dave Watson(whrever he is???). They all three seem 'real', tho I have only me Watson.

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I'm guessing you didn't hear what he did to his message board and members?

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what did he do??

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He quit coming around to his board (which he said he'd always stop by) and eventually just dropped the board completely and never gave an explaination. Lots of mad ex-members, including myself.

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Re: Jim Shockey??



I like him, but I lost alot of respect for him when he switched from Knight to T/C rifles. For how many years he claimed Knight had the best gun on the market, then the next T/C has the best gun. That tells me hes in it for the money. Good hunter though.

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What are you guys even talking about ... what has Knight done to really take the Muzzle loader market ... the Revolution? .... give me a break ... even knight admits that gun was a failure ... when Shockey had Knight he was shooting the Elite ... one of the best BP rifles out that and at the time very cutting edge ...

Then TC comes out with the Encore ... Oh my ... KNight doesn't have anything cutting edge right now to compete with the Encore or the Pro Hunter ... I dont even think this Evolution is going to do it for Knight ... that Pro Hunter has such a strong market right now ... there is a reason TC is backordered on that rifle ... ppl switch brands all the time ... that has nothing to do with his personality ... I havent ever met the guy but I do enjoy watching his show ... would I ever hutn with him ... probably not ... one couldnt afford it and 2 there are a list of about 40 otther ppl I would rather hunt with ...


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I'll shoot my Knight against any T/C anyday. Ive NEVER had a mis-fire, outstanding accuracy, and great quality worksmanship. And I've taken a fair share of game to prove it.

My question. What does T/C have, besides too many advertisements, that Knight doesnt?

I'm not necessarily ticked because I shoot a Knight. I just dont like the advertisement on hunting shows period. I just thought it was pretty corny on all his shows in year past he claimed Knight to make the best product, now T/Cmakes the best. How much more obvious can you make it to say "money talks?" The only question that remains is "who does make the best?" Because you cant believe anything you hear on tv. I honestly beleive that the reason soo many more people shoot T/C than any other muzzle loader is because of the advertisement. T/C has so many hunting pros shooting their guns and so many commercials and magazine ads, that your average joe type hunter will just go buy one without even looking at the other brands. And of course...what you use is always the best.

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Re: Jim Shockey??

I like Shockey...seems pretty cool to me. I have never met the man, but he seems in tune with his hunters. Really seems to want to see them achieve success. Tred Barta I can not stomach. Ever since the episode where he was killing wild hogs by sticking them with a knife while dogs had them at bay, I have never watched him. He is arrogant as far as I am concerned.

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Re: Jim Shockey??


I like him, but I lost alot of respect for him when he switched from Knight to T/C rifles. For how many years he claimed Knight had the best gun on the market, then the next T/C has the best gun. That tells me hes in it for the money. Good hunter though.

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Nick, I shoot a Knight myself and have never had any trouble with it.When inlines were fairly new and for several years after Knight was one of the best inlines on the market.But the other companies soon caught up.At the time he was promoting Knight they were one of the best.The technology has changed dramatically in a few short years though and thats not neccassarily the case anymore.While I sure he is getting paid for shooting a TC Im not all that convinced thats the only motivation behind it.He may honestly feel Knight doesnt make the best gun anyore.

As far as who really makes the best ML goes who knows.Ive seen guys shoot those 89$ CVA rifles and as long as they take proper care of them never have any trouble with them.Ive seen guys with much higher priced Knight disk rifles that have a lot of trouble with them, its mostly due to things the user does.I dont think theres really a bad muzzleloader on the market anymore, some are a little higher maintanence then others but a poorly built ML wouldnt last long in the market these days IMO.

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Re: Jim Shockey??




I like him, but I lost alot of respect for him when he switched from Knight to T/C rifles. For how many years he claimed Knight had the best gun on the market, then the next T/C has the best gun. That tells me hes in it for the money. Good hunter though.

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What are you guys even talking about ... what has Knight done to really take the Muzzle loader market ... the Revolution? .... give me a break ... even knight admits that gun was a failure ... when Shockey had Knight he was shooting the Elite ... one of the best BP rifles out that and at the time very cutting edge ...

Then TC comes out with the Encore ... Oh my ... KNight doesn't have anything cutting edge right now to compete with the Encore or the Pro Hunter ... I dont even think this Evolution is going to do it for Knight ... that Pro Hunter has such a strong market right now ... there is a reason TC is backordered on that rifle ... ppl switch brands all the time ... that has nothing to do with his personality ... I havent ever met the guy but I do enjoy watching his show ... would I ever hutn with him ... probably not ... one couldnt afford it and 2 there are a list of about 40 otther ppl I would rather hunt with ...


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I'll shoot my Knight against any T/C anyday. Ive NEVER had a mis-fire, outstanding accuracy, and great quality worksmanship. And I've taken a fair share of game to prove it.

My question. What does T/C have, besides too many advertisements, that Knight doesnt?

I'm not necessarily ticked because I shoot a Knight. I just dont like the advertisement on hunting shows period. I just thought it was pretty corny on all his shows in year past he claimed Knight to make the best product, now T/Cmakes the best. How much more obvious can you make it to say "money talks?" The only question that remains is "who does make the best?" Because you cant believe anything you hear on tv. I honestly beleive that the reason soo many more people shoot T/C than any other muzzle loader is because of the advertisement. T/C has so many hunting pros shooting their guns and so many commercials and magazine ads, that your average joe type hunter will just go buy one without even looking at the other brands. And of course...what you use is always the best.

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The same argument could be used for a particular brand of bow as well. Too many people put too much on what they read or see on TV and not in trying several brands before going with a company that takes out 4 page ads in magazines..... smirk.gif

It's all about the cash, which is what being in business is about as well. Jim Shockey is his own business and he made the right decision for his business, I'm sure. That being said, it doesn't take away from him and his abilities to put down some truly awesome deer, bear and moose. The guy can flat out hunt! cool.gif

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