your favorite jokes

lil hunter

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Re: your favorite jokes

ill give you one back when i was in high school that my gym teacher told us, its kinda cheesy but also he was a cheesy teacher, goes like this, i was driving down the road the other day and i seen a turkey along side the road, well the turkey jumped out in front of me and i hit it, as i hit it, an officer was going the other way in the other lane, when i hit the turkey it flew up and landed on the windshield of the officers car, the officer turned around and pulled me over, when i asked why i was being pulled over, he said he was pulling me over for flipping him the bird,

i know its corny, but gym teacher to gym teacher might work

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Re: your favorite jokes

This 80 yr. old man in Floriday just bought a new mustang and he takes off down the interstate, before he knows it, he's doing 110 miles an hour. He sees flashing lights behind him and slows down and pulls over. The cop walks up to the window and says sir, it is 4:50 on Friday and I get off in 10 min. If you can give me a reason why you were driving so fast that i've never heard before, i'll let you go. The guy said "Well, 30 yrs ago, my wife ran off with a Florida State Trooper and I thought you were bringing her back." The officer said "Have a nice Day!!!!"

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