Hey all of you idiot military people.......


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Let's get a count.....how many shiffless, stupid, uneducated, worthless, hopeless idiot military members or ex-military members do we have in this forum?

Those aren't my words, those are the words of John Kerry who almost made it to Commander in Chief just two short years ago.

Here is the video where he told a bunch of college students that they had better work hard and get good grades or else they would end up in Iraq:

This is the same John Kerry that came back from Vietnam and lied about so called autrocities by American soldiers.

The same John Kerry that said our soldiers in Iraq were terrrorists.....kicking in door, terrorizing women and children in the middle of the night.

After these comments, he made it worse by coming out and screaming and stomping about Republican hacks and hit pieces and stating that he would apologize to no one. He said the flap over his comment was due to a Republican hit machine. Yet, Kerry made the comments.....it wasn't that the Republicans spun the comments.....they were verbatim.

I really dislike that man!

p.s. every single soldier I met in my life are the cream of the crop, so to speak. Out most honorable and brightest.

In Kerry's case, it is plain and simply too bad the North Vietnamese weren't better shots!


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Re: Hey all of you idiot military people.......


Woah, powerful post. Yep he's an idiot...i was looking at the name of the post...got to admit my blood was beginning to boil. Terrorists are we?? well to heck with him.

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Heros and Patriots if you ask ME! laugh.gif

Funny, in his rant about Republican hit machine he claimed the Republicans refused to give our soldiers the armor and humvees they deserve. Ummm, oh Johnny boy, those items were part of the 87 billion dollar funding bill that you voted "for before you voted against it". Priceless.


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Re: Hey all of you idiot military people.......

Kerry-What a jerk.

This topic is already posted in the political forums New. Kerry really is good at inserting his foot in his mouth and then blaming others and taking no responsibility for his words. Funny thing once again he is claiming the republicans are out to get him.

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Re: Hey all of you idiot military people.......


One of the Democratic congressmen had a great quote:

"I guess Kerry wasn't content blowing 2004, now he wants to blow 2006, too."



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Nope New, he is working on 2008. Heard he has an intent to run for president again in 08. Think he will completley self destruct and end up in a nuthouse for paranoia issues well before then though.

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Re: Hey all of you idiot military people.......



One of the Democratic congressmen had a great quote:

"I guess Kerry wasn't content blowing 2004, now he wants to blow 2006, too."



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Nope New, he is working on 2008. Heard he has an intent to run for president again in 08. Think he will completley self destruct and end up in a nuthouse for paranoia issues well before then though.

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He is done....toast. He will never be elected President, if he becomes a serious contender to Hillary Clinton, I look for him to commit suicide in some park somewhere. laugh.gif

If he hasn't done irreparable harm already, Hillary will bury him come primary time.

The real story here is that this seems to be the general consensus of the entire Democratic party as a whole. They seem to feel that the world's affairs are better managed through intillectualism, shades of gray, etc. They didn't learn the lessons of Vietnam nor the cold war.

Peace through strength, trust but verify!


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Re: Hey all of you idiot military people.......

Guy was a loser from the get go, even when he ran he had to platform he was running on, just running his mouth to hear himself talk....and to think he could have become President of the United States.

He just needs to go away, send him and Bill Maher to a desert island and tell them good luck! So far today, 2 losers brought forward on this board!! smile.gif

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Re: Hey all of you idiot military people.......

Why do Democrats hate the military so much and almost universally?

I think it has to do with the fact that the military produces the results that the Democratic policies have sought to accomplish (but failed) with amazing regularity, efficiency, and success.


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Re: Hey all of you idiot military people.......


Barack Obama will run for the Democrats in 2008 before Kerry.

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Hillary Clinton will kill (literally or figuratively) anyone who opposes here ambition. I would not be surprised to see Obama become Vice-President. Clinton/Obama would be a force.


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Re: Hey all of you idiot military people.......

I listened to it on TV last night. I don't like the guy at all, so don't get me wrong here. I think he was trying to make a plug at Bush and it backfired on him. However the words still came out of his mouth so now he has to pay for it.

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Re: Hey all of you idiot military people.......

Just imagine...this man could've been Commander in Chief frown.gif

He has a purple heart too. From what I read how he got it... from the schrapnel from the grenade he threw ! And he put in for the purple heart himself! Was refused until he found a Dr. that gave a war injury report.

He should just go away...

What a jerk.

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Re: Hey all of you idiot military people.......

Let's not forget that he carried his own camera crew to battle with him to tape his actions for later use.....

I don't think that John Kerry misspoke. I think it is clear from his actions beginning in Vietnam that Kerry hates the US Military and those who serve in it. The only reason he went was so he could try to bolster his JFK wanna be image.



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