Hey all of you idiot military people.......


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Re: Hey all of you idiot military people.......

Every time I see and hear Kerry, one of my favorite quotes comes to mind."It is better to remain silent and be thought of as a fool, than to speak up and remove all doubt." smile.gif Keep up the good work Kerry, what little chance you may have had at another run for Commander-in-Chief is slowly dwindling away.

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Re: Hey all of you idiot military people.......


I think Kerry has ruined any chance of getting elected. I sure will never vote for him.

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Those fools in MA will still vote for him and think he is the greatest thing there is, other than Ted Kennedy!! LOOSERS!!! frown.giffrown.giffrown.gif

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Re: Hey all of you idiot military people.......



Barack Obama will run for the Democrats in 2008 before Kerry.

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Hillary Clinton will kill (literally or figuratively) anyone who opposes here ambition. I would not be surprised to see Obama become Vice-President. Clinton/Obama would be a force.


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Actually Obama is being endorsed and force fed to the public by Oprah Winfrey as a future candidate for the presidency of the united States. She holds a lot of power with her viewers. Dont know that a Clinton/Obama ticket would ever pan out.

Given Obama's stance on many issues, I think he may possibly be as just bad for this country as Clinton.

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Re: Hey all of you idiot military people.......

Obama would be a fool to try to run as the headliner... way too inexperienced and overrated.

Clinton will be our next President because the same women voters who voted for Bill because he is "CUTE" will vote for her because she is a woman....but I would really like for someone I trust to verify that. I have my doubts.


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Re: Hey all of you idiot military people.......


Obama would be a fool to try to run as the headliner... way too inexperienced and overrated.

Clinton will be our next President because the same women voters who voted for Bill because he is "CUTE" will vote for her because she is a woman....but I would really like for someone I trust to verify that. I have my doubts.


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Dont know about that New. Think with the type of push that Obama is getting, and according to what I have heard he does have every intention of running, but that is still a ways off and anything can change between now and then. As far as Hillary being the next president, I sure hope you are wrong. Will be interesting to see how things begin to unfold as time gets closer for sure.

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