As perfect as she could be *(Pics)*


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Ok, I know everyone has kids but I never understood how amazing they were until God blessed us with Gracey. Every day that little monkey melts me so this is meerly another Bragging Daddy Post.

Btw, mine is the most beautiful baby in the world... Just so you know. wink.gif


Heading to her aunts and uncles for a get together, bon fire, hotdogs, etc.



End of Bragging....... Thanks for your time... laugh.giftongue.gifwink.gifgrin.gif

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Re: As perfect as she could be *(Pics)*



Truth is you never truly know them until about a year after marriage anyway! grin.gif

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ONE YEAR!! Are you kidding me?? Almost 40 years and still don't know them!!! grin.gifconfused.giftongue.gif

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Actually I figure after 14 years with my wife I know her... Ive just never figured her out. grin.gif

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