Human urine scent


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Ok so most people I know are absolutely terrified about unrinating anywhere near their hunting areas thinking the scent will spook deer. However while on a hunt the first week of September with one of the best known outfitters in one of the best known areas of the country my guide told me and the other hunters in camp that deer would not spook over it. Most of the guys were like "no way I'm going to try it" but I said I would. I mean if this outfitter did not know his stuff he would not have the big names he does out there year after year. To my suprise every night I went right out of my tree and had deer after deer...I am talking 20 or more ost nights walk right through the spot I went. I even ended up shooting a really good 8 point at 7 yards right next to where I had gone. I am wondering if anyone else here has had a similar experience? I would never have believed it had it not happend 5 nights in a row to me and never had one deer spook.

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Re: Human urine scent

Human urine will not spook deer. Years ago I used to carry a bottle & use it. Haven't done that in years. I have urinated from my stand & had deer walk right by it within minutes & never act spooked/alarmed. I have actually had deer walk right in it & not act any differently.

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Re: Human urine scent

I have had 2 experiences, NEITHER good. Just last weekend, about 10 mins after going, I had a doe blow behind me at about 45yds. I was seated, not moving, so I know they didn't see me. Last year, had 3 deer coming in from behind me, they got ALMOST around the tree I was in, and all of a sudden took off running away, At this time I was standing, but NEVER moved, and I have NO clue what spooked them. After these two episodes, I don't think I'll EVER go out of my tree again

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Re: Human urine scent

My experience is that it has absolutely no negative effect on them. I haven't seen anything positive like drawing them in, but I wouldn't necessarily rule it out.

From a purely chemical standpoint, there's not much difference between the composition of deer urine and human urine (or any other large mammal, I assume). And guys, think about this for a minute. How many of you have seen a male dog go right to the spot where you've pee'd outdoors and lift his leg? It's close enough to fool the dog's nose into thinking he should mark the same spot where you just went!

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Re: Human urine scent


I have had 2 experiences, NEITHER good. Just last weekend, about 10 mins after going, I had a doe blow behind me at about 45yds. I was seated, not moving, so I know they didn't see me. Last year, had 3 deer coming in from behind me, they got ALMOST around the tree I was in, and all of a sudden took off running away, At this time I was standing, but NEVER moved, and I have NO clue what spooked them. After these two episodes, I don't think I'll EVER go out of my tree again

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You have to stop drinking all that Gator Aid, that's all. grin.gif

I've come to the conclusion over the years that human urine doesn't effect deer, for the most part, but it may also depend on what you eat or drink before you go.(not sure)

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Re: Human urine scent

Have urinated in scrapes on several occasions and had deer check them shortly thereafter. Have urinated from the stand and killed deer shortly afterwards. Did go from the stand the morning I had 5 bucks come out a couple weeks ago. They came out from my upwind side, the 4 pointer that spooked was just about downwind of me at the time he spooked, but I have had him all around me from that stand several times, so I ruled it out as him having realized something was just not quite right.

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Re: Human urine scent

I'm a Believer that Human Urine does not spook deer. I also believe that after only a few minutes they can only tell if it is a Male or Female urine...not that it's Human.

A couple years ago I started a Mock Scrape near(5-6ft away) a small existing one using nothing but my urine when I would climb down from the treestand.

Throughout the course of that November I got that buck to stop using the original scrape and start hammering the Mock Scrape.

All I would do is add some Doe in Estrus scent to it once out of every 5-6 times I hunted and urinated in that Mock Scrape.

It became such a Challenge to this buck that he even kept the Scrape clean to the ground while there was 1-1/2ft of snow on the ground around it.

I would urinate in the area where I knew the Mock Scrape was, through the 1-1/2' snow...come back to hunt the next morning and it was cleaned all the way to the bare ground!!! Not once...but multiple times!!!

Having done this I Know it does not spook them in any way from just the scent of it.

Any movement that is seen by the deer while placing it may spook them...but not the urine itself.

I'm inclined to believe that when people say I urinated in an area then got up in my treestand and a Deer Spooked when it got to where I urinated...that deer smelled human scent left by the hunter's clothing on the surrounding brush and did not spook from the urine scent.

Just stay away from very spicy foods the night or morning before a hunt. If your hunting near a fruit source like apples..Drink plenty of Apple Juice wink.gif

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Re: Human urine scent

I use my own pee to make mock scrapes. Have had very good results in getting bucks to make their own scrapes not far off. I urniated out of my stand last week and had two does walk in and start eating the leaves I peed on. Strange. Guess they like their greens salty. LOL

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