Tim Tebow Folklore!!!


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Tim Tebow and Chuck Norris once squared off. The fight lasted for 4 years, then Tebow realized that he was actually in a fight. He immediately stiff armed Chuck Norris upon this realization. This event is referred to as the "Big Bang"

Tim Tebow saved the manatees. Then he stiff armed them back on the endandered species list so they wouldnt get cocky.

Tim Tebow is Jackie Chan's stunt double

Tim Tebow invented the pedestal. Then he invented the stiff arm to have something to knock people off it.

The recent earthquake off the coast of Florida measured 6.0 on the Richter scale, or .024 Tim Tebows.

Gandhi didnt fast, Tim Tebow simply got drunk one night and ate all his food

A spike in Tim Tebow stiff arms caused the tooth fairy to go broke in 1993.

Kurt Cobain once told a joke at Tim Tebow's expense... well we all know what happened next.

You don't hit Tim Tebow, Tim Tebow hits you!

Tim Tebow doesn't get sacked. Tim Tebow sacks defensive linemen.

Tebow doesn't throw interceptions, he throws the ball to you so he can bring some pain

SuperMan wears Tim Tebow Pajamas.

Tim Tebow counted to infinity - twice.

When the Boogeyman goes to sleep every night he checks his closet for Tim Tebow

Tim Tebow built a time machine and went back in time to stop the JFK assassination. As Oswald shot, Tebow met all three bullets with his stiff arm, deflecting them. JFK's head exploded out of sheer amazement.

Tim Tebow can touch MC Hammer.

At birth, Tim Tebow came out arms first so he could stiff arm the doctor in the face. Nobody delivers Tim Tebow but Tim Tebow.

Tim Tebow frequently donates blood to the Red Cross. Just never his


Tim Tebow sleeps with a night light. Not because Tim Tebow is afraid of the dark, but the dark is afraid of Tim Tebow.

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Re: Tim Tebow Folklore!!!



Tim Tebow built a time machine and went back in time to stop the JFK assassination. As Oswald shot, Tebow met all three bullets with his stiff arm, deflecting them. JFK's head exploded out of sheer amazement.

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Now that is so funny yet so wrong. grin.gif

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Re: Tim Tebow Folklore!!!


Who is TT?

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The University of Florida's next STAR QB. Right now he is a back up for Leak, but has made some spectacular plays and SHOULD BE the starter. cool.gif

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Re: Tim Tebow Folklore!!!


How'd Leak go from being one of the top college's QB's in the country to almost being replaced by a true freshman?

I know this Tebow guy can sorta run the ball, but can he throw?

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Yes he can throw. He does it all. cool.gif

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