Hunt101 users:How do you reduce the size of pics


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I have about 5 pages on Hunt101 and I am at my limit of usage.

I know some folks have 100s of pics there.

I must be uploading them to big.

Most of them I had set to 800x600 but reduced some to 600x400 lately.

How can I reduce the size while they are on hunt101 so I can upload more?

I only have slow-arse dial up so I really dont want to start them all over.

I had the same issue with the RT photo server and have way less there then what I could upload on hunt101.

Any help is appreciated.


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Re: Hunt101 users:How do you reduce the size of pics

If you got high speed would not take too long to download them to your computer resize them and reload them. Personally after hunt101 lost all the pics I had loaded to them I will never use the site again.

Photobucket is so much better and offers the option of resizing on their site.

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Re: Hunt101 users:How do you reduce the size of pics


If you got high speed would not take too long to download them to your computer resize them and reload them. Personally after hunt101 lost all the pics I had loaded to them I will never use the site again.

Photobucket is so much better and offers the option of resizing on their site.

[/ QUOTE ]

I have lost pics on both sites in the same 2 months. I have completely uploaded 3 times from a computer that has dial up. 1st time to hunt101, lost them all, uploaded them all again to photbucket and within the same week lost them all.

Uploaded again to hunt101 and have had no probs since.

Also have a few on the RT photo page...

Its takes FOREVER!

Hense why I really dont wanna start it over. LOL


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Re: Hunt101 users:How do you reduce the size of pics

Can definitely understand the frustration with uploads on dialup. Dont know why you lost pics on photobucket though. Have never had any problems out of them myself, other than occasionally having pics that do not always upload the first try when uploading groups of pics.

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Re: Hunt101 users:How do you reduce the size of pics

It was a year or so ago. Maybe 2.

Hunt101 crashed and when it came back up everything was gone in my gallery. I got mad and started using photobucket. Then 2 or 3 weeks into using them the same thing happened.

I am talking about hours of upload time lost. Many HOURS!

I went back to hunt101 cause photobucket was down for a few days to a week as I remember.

No issues since other then I uploaded my pics to big apparently. LOL

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