Lets see your gutting knife


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I was just curious to see what everyone uses to dress their game. In the past I've always used Gerber or Buck knives, but two years ago I was given a Knives of Alaska Light Hunter Combo. It has the Mini Skinner/Cleaver with the Cub Bear Caping Knife, and let me tell you, it is the finest gutting knife I've ever used.. So, lets see some knives...and some opinions of yours or other knives. Keep em' clean, lol!!!


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Re: Lets see your gutting knife

This is normally not thought of as a sporting/skinning knife, but CutCo has a great knife for skinning. Yes they are a little bit more, but with a FOREVER warranty and you can send it back to the factory when/if it gets dull and they will sharpen it for FREE, and replace if damaged. That knife is about shape enough if you look at it wrong it will cut you. Also comes in a great leather sheeth.

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Re: Lets see your gutting knife

This is a custom made gutting knife. It was handmade by a operating engineer who was in charge of maintenance for ALL the heavy equipment at the Ground Zero NY clean up. He made knives for a select few. I was one.

His name is Greg Nolan. I picked out the antler for the handle, the rasberry wood and brass inlay too. The finger grooves are measured for my hand. This is a true custom. As soon as I use it...I clean it right away. It has not looked this shiney since it was made. The blood ph changed the color of the High Carbon steel, it is much darker now.


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Guest shotist

Re: Lets see your gutting knife

Have used one of these since '72 (original DH Russell Belt Knife). This was the design that George Herter's copied and sold like crazy during the 60's and early 70's. The Canadian Armed Forces use one model of DH Russell knife very similar as their survival knife. They are marketed now by a company out of Nova Scotia called Grohmann Knives. LINK

The knife had won some design award at the 1957 World's Fair and was known as The Guide's Knife...Professional Guide's Knife...All-Around Knife...Canadian Guide's Knife...etc. a very versatile knife for stabbing, thrusting, shaving, whittling, skinning, camp chores, filleting, etc. Mine has served me very well for 30+ years and has seen mondo usage.


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