How close is to close?


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I am starting to see rutting activity.

Rubs and scrape are starting to pop up in the same spots that they were year after year.

I know some are community scrapes but some are in slightly new, off the beaten path, spots.

I want to get some trail cam pics.

How close to this sort of sign is to close in your opinion?

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Re: How close is to close?

I don't think bugging the area is to big of deal as long as you stay scent free.....especially spraying down your boots and pant legs.....

But I know from experience that if you set up you camera to close, the flash can wash out the picture......I would stay a minumum of 10 feet away....15-20 feet would be best...

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Re: How close is to close?

I know what you mean about the flash washing out the pics. I have had some curious deer stick a nose right up to the camera. LOL

I bet tehy saw stars for a minute or two after that flash went off in there face. LOL

I have mine about 15 feet away. Not the best positioning sinc eits facing WNW. I fear i will get some non deer but good sun set pics. LOL

Oh well I will see tommorow when I go check it.

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Re: How close is to close?


Would agree with Clay here. Think I am going to also move a camera to a scrape, but finding the right tree might be an issue.

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Just make your own tree.....I always carry a couple of round wood posts in the back of my truck, and if I find an ideal spot for a trail camera, but no tree to put them in, I dig a post in and tamp it in good......deer don't pay any attention to them and it works great......all of those corn-field edge pics I had of "Leroy" this year, were all off of a post set-up.... wink.gif

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Re: How close is to close?


So I take it the camera taking pics wont disturb the deer or area? Mine isnt silent like some and has flash

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The sound may disturb some, but not is still the way to go for quiteness......and as far as flash goes, I still don't beleive it spooks them at all........

here's what I meant as far as washing out goes.....this cam was set-up about 8 feet from this tree........daylight pics turned out awesome, but the night pics got washed out.....



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