Dartonman drilled a meat deer (9 point)


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I was hunting with my son this morning, and a nice 9 point came strolling in, he looked like he had burned the midnight oil too long....he was slowly walking through the woods, I grunted to him once, and he strolled in at 33 yards.......I wanted my son Hunter, age 13 to kill him, but buck fever took its toll, and the 28 degree weather didnt help, and my son whispers to me " I cant get my bow back, I looked at his antlers, and now Im shaking too bad"....so, dad let the Nugent blade eat, and it loves heart....I sent pics of the heart for Buckee to post for me...(thanks Buckee)...the deer took the arrow, a complete pass through, tucked his tail under him, and slowly walked off....in amazement that he did not react to the shot, he was just walking away slowly....so after he walked for about 40 yards, I grunted again softly....he stopped walking, and you could see and hear the blood pouring out of him, hitting the leaves....he casually walked another 20 yards, crawled under a fence, once he was standing next to the fence, he just simply fell over to his side, DEAD...no kicking, nothing..........it was truly the mystical flight of the arrow, and a great day for me and the boy.....I love archery, and passing it on to my son....he will have his day soon enough...........al (pics to follow, as soon as Buckee can for me). al and hunter winstead

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Re: Dartonman drilled a meat deer (9 point)

Sorry to hear that your boy didn't get the chance to kill the deer, but at least he was there for the experience and it was his decision to let you take action. Congratulations Dman and give your boy a pat on the back for being big enough to let daddy take the wheel wink.gif.

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Re: Dartonman drilled a meat deer (9 point)

Thanks so much gang...that deer lost its life to the wonderful donations of refletched arrows by LifeNRA, hat by Jeramie,(new broadheads by Jeramie not installed yet..lol) broadheads by Strut10 and MrWiggley....and the love of God and the creatures that provide me and my wife, and five kids food......fresh backstraps are always a good thing....I love this forum.........thanks again for the kind words, I hope all your arrows fly true..........al

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Re: Dartonman drilled a meat deer (9 point)


meat deer? thats a great buck right there!

way to go father and son team

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Thats what I was thinking too.

Man I wish I could just see deer like that in my neck of the woods.

Congrats on a super shot and great hunt.

I know your boy did not get it but I would bet $1000 he will never forget that hunt as long as he lives.

Disclaimer: I dont have $1000 so dont bet me. LOL


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