Hey Everyone Buckee did it Again!!!!


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Re: Hey Everyone Buckee did it Again!!!!


If he did we had better have a little talk with out Immagration and TSA inspectors... grin.gifgrin.gifwink.gif

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No problem with those people! A friend of mine went to Canada this summer and had one like Crocodile Dundee had, on both sides of the border, they looked at it and said it was OK for personal defense! shocked.giftongue.gif

Now in Buckee's case, I am going to withhole judgement!! LOL!!! grin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif

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Re: Hey Everyone Buckee did it Again!!!!

GEESH Brian ... blush.gifgrin.gif

It was no big deal. Kind of embarrassing since I had shot at a nice 4x4 earlier, and connected with a log across the path, breaking the first of 3 arrows in my quiver.

I was still-hunting today and after connecting with that log, I was feeling a bit skunked.On the way out of the bush, I came upon a little spiker, who just didn't seem to want to leave. I figured, since I have 2 tags, why not get the skunk off the table and take this little gift presented to me, so I did.

However, I hit a bit high and 2-1/2 inches to the left (slightly quartering away). He dropped like a sack of potatoes, because I clipped his spinal cord right along the bottom of his spine.

Well, that left me one arrow out of three, so I waited until he calmed down a bit, positioned myself for a finishing shot, aimed, and fired, just as he pulled back and started writhing around again.

GEESH...now I'm standing there with this guy suffering and me with no arrows frown.gif. I just went in, grabbed him by the antler and did the job the harder way. I wasn't going to post this, because I felt so bad, with that little guy suffering and starring back at me.

Anyway, he's meat now..OK crazy.gif


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Re: Hey Everyone Buckee did it Again!!!!


From the pic it looks like it was a high fenced hunt

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ROTFLMBO!!!!!!!! Sorry Steve! That was just what I needed this morning!!!

Congrats on the table fair!!! wink.gif But I know what its like too to hit one high with a bow now! I know how you felt!!! crazy.gif Thats what happened to me on my first deer with my bow this year! Spined him, and had to get down quickly to finish him off! Although, I carry six arrows!


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Re: Hey Everyone Buckee did it Again!!!!

Just today, for no reason whatsoever, I was reminiscing old times on the realtree forums and recalled buckee's first knifed deer. I remembered everyone saying you could have been killed Steve... Wow, now I come home from hunting tonight not seeing anything, and get on the boards only to see photochopped buckee going after a bear! Congrats on the spiker, sorry it had to be like that, but you did the right thing!

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