Bulldawg (Let's get ER done guys and guys)


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Re: Bulldawg FUND RAISER (Let\'s get ER done guys and g

I saw Bulldawg on here today, got this PM from Tom , after I sent him one. I'm passing it on at his request.


From: bulldawg

Hi Steve,

The wife called yesterday, and she said I got your card and money, and one from Doughboy.

I just finally got a connection at my cousin's house, and I can't thank you enough for your generosity.

I got out of the hospital last Friday. I will be at my cousin's house until late December, to try to get my strength back up, as I have a steep set of stairs at my house. The wife is ok with it, as she calls me every night. She is a great woman.

I can't put any weight on my left leg for another 10 weeks. Doctor took xrays yesterday, and the leg is healing great. Now I am bending it to get my range of motion back. Will be able to start aggressive therapy when I can put weight on it. Could be off work for another 4 months or more, depending on therapy.

On the brighter side, my group that I hunt with is wheeling me into the woods, in my wheelchair tomorrow morning for the opener of gun season. They will get me into the woods as much as possible through the season. Another great bunch of guys.

Could I get you to post this for me? It will save me a pile of typing.

Thank you so much, and please thank Doughboy for his card and money. Every donation is needed, and greatly appreciated.

I am at phone number 715-823-6489.

E11270 Cass RdClintonville,

WI 54929 until late December. After that, I will try to get home.

Take care, and I'm closing for now, and will try to get back on in the next few days.

Bulldawg- Tom

[/ QUOTE ]

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Re: Bulldawg FUND RAISER (Let\'s get ER done guys and g

thanks for the update Steve. i havent had a chance to talk to tom yet. but im sure the old jarhead will heal ok.

i have to say it, but since this happened i have been really ultra carefull when climinbing into and out of my stand. been using my safety belt all the time when going up and down.

get better Tom..

Shoot Strong


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Re: Bulldawg FUND RAISER (Let\'s get ER done guys and g


Team Realtree adm.gif



Updated: 11/21/06

I have received checks from the following members:

— Adjam5

— VermontHunter

— Texastrophies

— Gobblerdad

— Gobblerbane08

— Tony

— ruttinbuc

— S. Slappey (actual name). A money order. I apologize, but someone emailed me about this one this past weekend. This person bought something from a user and the proceeds are going toward this fundraiser. I have misplaced that email.

Thanks, S

[/ QUOTE ]

These check and money order updates can be found in the first post, in this thread also.

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Re: Bulldawg FUND RAISER (Let\'s get ER done guys a

Just a note to let everyone know that the Deadline date of December 01 wasn't written in stone. We've only managed to raise a few hundred dollars, that I know of so far, and I know that not too many surgery bills have only 2 zeros behind them.

Please guys and gals, don't forget those in need this Christmas season.


Updated: 12/11/06

From Scott Hughes at RT

I have received checks from the following members:

— Adjam5

— VermontHunter

— Texastrophies

— Gobblerdad

— Gobblerbane08

— Tony

— ruttinbuc

— S. Slappey (actual name).This person bought something in classifieds and the proceeds are going toward this fundraiser.

— NYBuck

— Kirk V

— BirdDog

— Norm Sauceman

— A. Gray (From the GWSmith auction)

— Buck#1 (for the PC Hunting game (and Bulldawg's fundraiser)

— wtnhunt

— mitrophybowhunt

— Outdoorgirl

I will continue the list on this post. Thanks, S

[/ QUOTE ]

Donations recieved that were sent directly to Bulldawg

From Bulldawg


I finally got a moment to talk to the wife, and here's the list of names we've recieved donations from.


Steve Bielgard

Ohio Bucks

Doughboy 1956


Ben Fletcher

Ranger Clay

Kurt Vollmer ( turkey call auction )

OhioBucks (for a turkey call auction)

BowTechTurkeyHunter (for several auctions)

Gregg "Snapper" Lake

The wife is unsure if any of these were for any of the wonderful online auctions that some folks have put through. Thus far with the help of the kind folks in the forums

[/ QUOTE ]

Tom will also keep me updated.

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Guest Mountain_Dragon

Re: Bulldawg FUND RAISER (Let\'s get ER done guys and g

Just wanted to let everyone know that today I recieved the fly tying hackles and book from GWSmith. Everything arrived in great shape. Thanks one more time GW, and get well soon Bulldawg!

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Re: Bulldawg FUND RAISER (Let\'s get ER done guys and g


Tom has recieved donation from:

OhioBucks (for a turkey call auction)

BowTechTurkeyHunter (for several auctions)

Scott Roy/Buck#1 for the PC Hunting game (and Bulldawg's fundraiser

Gregg Lake "Snapper"


Clay Caudill


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Re: Bulldawg FUND RAISER (dead-line)

Bulldawg FUND RAISER (dead-line)

Thank you everyone for your participation in the FUND RAISER for Bulldawg ( Tom Repinski) to help pay for medical cost from his accident.

We are going to put a deadline on cheques sent to Tom via Scott Hughes (Realtree) of Dec 13, 2006, so Scott can get the checks mailed off to bulldawg by the end of this week.

If there is anyone who has sent checks or money orders to Scott who is not on the list in the fundraiser thread, please let me know.

It's never too late to show an act of caring and kindness folks.

If you've been thinking of sending a little something (or a lot of something) to help Tom and his family out, and haven't done so, now would be a good time to get that check in the mail to:

ATTEN: Scott Hughes

Jordan Outdoor Enterprises, Ltd.,

1390 Box Circle

Columbus, GA 31907

Remember the cut-off date for sending checks and money orders via Scott at Realtree is tomorrow, Dec 13.

Realtree friends can still send checks, money orders or cash to Bulldawg directly, at any time. God knows he's going to need it once those surgery bills start rolling in. There is no deadline for sending donations directly to Tom and his family.

They can be sent to:

Tom & Jody Repinski

W8899 Lake Road

Delevan, Wisconsin 53115


Checks and money orders received by Scott Hughes so far have been from the following members:

NEW UPDATE (12/12/06)

— Adjam5

— VermontHunter

— Texastrophies

— Gobblerdad

— Gobblerbane08

— Tony

— ruttinbuc

— S. Slappey(brotherbadger), (Hunting DVDs that Horst auctioned off)

— NYBuck

— Kirk V

— BirdDog

— Norm Sauceman

— A. Gray (From the GWSmith auction)

— Buck#1 (for the PC Hunting game (and Bulldawg's fundraiser)

— wtnhunt

— mitrophybowhunt

— Outdoorgirl

— Mathewsarcher

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