WANTED: Red & the Hickory Gang


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I had staked the place out several nights before and had confirmed that Red and his gang where definitely hanging out here. Today was the day I had planned for the raid, kinda gets ya a little nervous because you never know what can go wrong. I snuck in quietly while they were gathering their loot, and made my way to the middle of their hangout. I had spotted one of the gang sitting on a limb, I waited to see if anyone else was around. Then I saw him - it was Red himself walking away fro me down the path, being known as a great escape artist and also dangerous at all times I raised my weapon...

That's where it all started... before I could pull the trigger I got picked off. Shoot I walked right by their lookout and never saw him, but he blew the alarm and everyone went scrambling. The one that ha been eating on the limb rushed me! He ran up the tree right in front of me, about head high, he evidently was about to try some Matrix move and I'm sure he was trying for my jugilar so I shot him in the eye before he could get off the tree.

Red had disappeared - how convenient. I knew there were at least 5 of them in there before I put the 1 out of commision. I decided to double back and try to take out the look out before she could do any more harm. She saw me coming and tried to hide, we played the hide and seek game around the tree several times and then she decided to make a dash for it - wrong move sister! I had repositioned before she made her break and when she turned to get away she was looking right into the snipers scope. She froze knowing that this was the end as the shot rang out - she just stood there and then the blood ran down her forehead and started dripping off her chin - finally her nerves gave way and she released the branch and fell to the earth with a sickening thud.

With the lookout taken care of it was time to look for red and his 2 other counterparts. It was quiet - too quiet - as I searched the hideout. Finally I saw the clue I needed, I bright red tail hanging over a limb. I snuck in and set up on him, there was no way out. Red bolted up the tree, but took a wrong turn and ended up at the end of his branch. I've been waiting for this moment for a long time and I did what I had to do and Red fell lifeless to the ground.

The other 2 had fled the scene, after the all clear I sat down to take a rest. Suddenly one of the ringneck gang walked in, he saw me and bolted. I could hear his brother just over a ways and decided to take action. I headed back to the s.w.a.t. truck and traded the sniper gear in for a street sweeper. I headed out to where the ringneck brothers had been last sighted, but they heard me coming and took off out of there like a couple of pretty chickens long before I was in range.

As I headed back to the s.w.a.t. truck I was jumped by Peter Cottontail. He tried to run me over but the street sweeper cleaned his clock - i knew this day was going to get ugly, glad I brought enough body bags.


Hope you enjoyed the spin on a good mid morning hunt. This pic is taken on the remains of my "tree fort" that my cousin, brother and I made back when we were kids. Back then when squirrel season would come in (and the fort was actually sturdy) I would go out before sun up and climb up in the fort looking for squirrels. It never failed, a bushytail rat would come out of his hole and lay out on a branch over by the fort to watch the sunrise. I always let them watch the sunrise before taking them home.

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