5 spot target and Vegas face


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ok so many of you want to know what a 5 spot looks like . 5 spots are shot with 2 warm up ends consisting of 5 shots each and a total of 12 more ends or 60 shots for the scoring .


heres the Vegas face it is shot with 2 practice ends of 3 arrows each end. then either 10 ends or 15 ends of scoring . depending on what your shooting a 300 or 450 round.


Shoot Strong


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Re: 5 spot target and Vegas face

you can use number 9 wire for targets pegs..or swipe some from the local indoor shop !!! grin.gifwink.gifwink.gif

the X ring on a five spot is aboutthe same size as the 10 ring on the Vegas face.. now the vegas face has the baby X in the middle ...

the size of the X ring on a 5 spot is 1 5/8ths outside to outside...the vegas 10 ring is 1 9/16ths OD.....i measured them both and they are very close to each other...

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Re: 5 spot target and Vegas face

900 Easy ? yea right wink.gifwink.gif

yea you got that right JB about that darn 900 vegas shoot off... its only done for the drama of the tourny...

its kind of sad to see a guy shoot lights out in X count like Reo did last year and then go out in the first round of the shootoff....

cant figure out why a guy has to win tourny twice in one weekend just because someone wants drama... oh yea ASA and IBO do the same thing ...

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Re: 5 spot target and Vegas face

for 5 spots you have 10 practice shots . they are shot in 5 shot ends .. the time you have is 4 mins to make 5 shots... then you shoot 4 ends to complete 1 round.. at the end of 6 ends ( known as half way ) you switch your target from the top to the bottom or vice versa...

then you repeat the shooting routine for 6 more ends..

total arrows is 60 for scoring and 10 for practice.. max score is 300 60 X....

for the Vegas round its about the same except you have 2:30 seconds for 3 arrows . 2 practice ends at the start both consisting of 3 arrows each.. then you start your round.. you shoot 5 ends and then switch targets from top to bottom and bottom to top.like 5 spots.. max score is 300 30 X..

indoor spots is all mental game and shooting form .. even though its only 20 yards , its extremely tough to stand and duplicate 60 shots in a row the exact same.. grin.gif

ive made some editing to the original post .. for some reasonthe pics wouldnt comre up . now you all can see them again..

Shoot Strong


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your post is a real motivation

for 5 spots you have 10 practice shots . they are shot in 5 shot ends .. the time you have is 4 mins to make 5 shots... then you shoot 4 ends to complete 1 round.. at the end of 6 ends ( known as half way ) you switch your target from the top to the bottom or vice versa...

then you repeat the shooting routine for 6 more ends..

total arrows is 60 for scoring and 10 for practice.. max score is 300 60 X....

for the Vegas round its about the same except you have 2:30 seconds for 3 arrows . 2 practice ends at the start both consisting of 3 arrows each.. then you start your round.. you shoot 5 ends and then switch targets from top to bottom and bottom to top.like 5 spots.. max score is 300 30 X..

indoor spots is all mental game and shooting form .. even though its only 20 yards , its extremely tough to stand and duplicate 60 shots in a row the exact same.. grin.gif

ive made some editing to the original post .. for some reasonthe pics wouldnt comre up . now you all can see them again..

Shoot Strong


hi thanks for sharing such amazing section of information .. it is really motivating me to shoot with this...

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Long time ago...

Interesting reading your posts... I'm just now considering getting back into archery after 35+ years out. Thought I'd read up on the tech & figger out whut's whut nowadayz. This thread cawt my eyes... Old memories. I recall shooting AAA freestyla in Calif. with my "old" 2-wheel Jennings. Not really a bonafide J cuz it wuzza prototype... Before they offered in on the markit. But it wuz sweet. Shot Port Oxferd ceders & luminums. Got heavy into the 5-spots but never could beat the technoids, who used releases & all that gunk. I used homemade sights & figer tabs. Liked feelin my releases. Out of 300 I could only make in the high 290s. Not good enuff. I quit cuz I didn't want to become a technoid robot. Clickers, fer cryin out loud!

Anywayz, thanks to y'all fer the memories.

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5 spot target and Vegas face

How many shots do you have to shoot in a row and approximately how much time in between sessions? Or is it set up different than that? Never even seen archery tourney.

Something left out; You can not mark on the face of the target. You can right your name outside the target faces. You own the target and may shoot each target face in any order or shoot every shot in one target face. I would suggest you establish a order and number your arrows, but not necessary. I just like to keep track. My arrows are numbered 1 thru 5 and on the 5 spot I start at the bottom right, bottom left, center, top left and finish on top right. If distracted I just check my remaining arrows and know where to shoot the next shot. Hey, unless you have Superman's eyes you can have a real bad time seeing your arrows down range. And there have been times I wish I couldn't see my choked shot arrow.

You are not regulated to the 5 spot target. You have the option of the 1 spot target. Of the 5 spot you have but 2 point values, 5 and 4. On the 1 spot you have 5 thru 1 point. Both targets have the same size bull's eye and X ring.


Already answered; 5 shots in 4 minutes, but 5 spots are usually shot with 2 lines (groups). First line shoots the bottom target (lights bright could create a shadow from a shoot top line target.

The 4 minute deal; Okay, shot with 2 lines, the first line shoots and sits out while the 2nd line forms, say minute and half in some instants. 2nd line shoots and then all go to their targets to score, pull arrows and return. First line groups. So maybe 8 minutes between.

Depending on the indoor range, it can be fun. BUT, here's my first experience. IAA Indoor Qualifier using the Vegas face (that looked scarey) that I never ever shot before. Range small, 12 shooters on the line and packed like sardines in a can. You have a marked area, 2 feet wide, I think, your feet astraddle the 20 yard line. (Now, shooting indoors the light is different and, Yep, you have to reset your pin (Guess what I was thinking.). The targets were so close together I lost focus once and shot the other guys target. One shooter a couple shooters to my left up and shoots and hits the steel escape door - sounded like a shotgun going off and he did it twice. Kinda of unnerving. Next, the guy to my right decides my arrows are invading his space (Lord.) So I re-rigged my hip quiver. I sweated it out and finished 5th (by God's grace).

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yep your right Sonny, shooting 20 yards indoors is a whole differant critter than shooting 20 outdoors. i dont know why, but it always looks so much farther indoors. evem though i know its not.

plus you add in the pressure of shooting in competition and it will make a guy weak at the knees your first time or 2.:jaw:

some it effects differantly than others, but after a few shoots, you realize that everyone is just there to have fun and shoot,


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5 spot target and Vegas faceTony, yes, 20 yards indoors looks farther than outdoors.Also, once one gets accustom to shooting indoors they get to looking around and see all the different sights used. Scopes of varying powers, fiber pins (different colors and sizes from .007" to .040" in diameter), dots on lenses are sizes of that just inside the 5 ring, cover up the 5 ring, circles that loosely fit over the X ring, and circles that loosely fit over the 5 ring. Stabilizers run from 4" to 3 feet. Arrows that have hardly any vanes to speak of, 3/4", feathers too and them arrows seem to find the X ring like magic. Most hunters use carbon arrows today and arrows like 2413s seem old and oversize, but target arrows run up to 27/64". The biggest of the big arrows has been ruled out now, but Tim Gillingham's 60X Gold Tip was a whopper 5/8" in diameter. Tim had 5 vanes on it and I believe the arrow weighed 800 grs.Will see if I got pic.....The one on the left is a 30X (1/2").



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