My Kansas Buck

Guest KS_jon

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Monday started like any other, got off work at 4, rushed home to get my stuff ready for an hour and a half of hunting. I decide to go sit under the cedar tree i've been hunting for several days with not much luck. Time goes by with nothing in sight, and its getting darker. Im thinking to myself, I should just call it a night and take off, and out of the corner of my eye about 40 yards away I see a bobcat. Not really worried about deer at this point I start making squeaking sounds with my mouth trying to get this cat to come my way. He stops, and looks a few times, acting like he was gona come my way but to no avail. A couple of minute pass and now im really thinking ok time to leave. Now a catch something out of the corner of my eye again, and its all antlers. This being my first deer ever, and not really being prepared for this encounter, I kneel down out of sight pick up my bow and draw before standing up. He is looking the other way broadside at 30 yrds. Shaking like a leaf I try to steady my pin on him and let the arrow fly. He jumped my string and I hit him square in the spine. After he calms down a bit I put another well placed arrow in him that more then did the job. In this story the bobcat killed the deer. If not for the cat I would have left and probably spooked the buck on the way out. For my first deer ever, on the ground and with a bow I am more then pleased...


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