My Best buck too date 06 !!!!pics


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Re: My Best buck too date 06 !!!!pics

Thanksn guys he is a big six point he is framed to be an 8 but funky antler makes him a six pointer. I had 6 does come down from the top of the field i wa hunting the edge and let them walk becuase i already have some does in the freezer"2". And I was hunting for a buck., They just made it past my stand when A buck comes running out from behind me in the field back and runs them"the does" out of the feild his head was down and he was grunting the whole time i tried grunting and my can call but he wanted the real deal.

So he went into the woods behind the feild behind me and about 15 min later came out on the feild edge tried to cicrcle up wind of me but got cut of by some thick cover and came up right behind my stand about 30 to 35 yards away. I only had a small window to shoot though do to the brush. So i put my pin on him and let the xx78 fly. I do have to say it was a far back shot where i hit him. I think I must have hit a branch or he started walking Im not sure but I hit his artry below his back of his spine and cut through both loins his back legs went down them he started to go but only went maybe 20 yards or so maybe 30 tops. no tracking involved it was great

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