What happened to the handshake deal?


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Growing up I was taught value. If you shook hands on a deal it was done. If you made a promise, it was done. Your word was concrete.....

Now days people are so one minded and flighty I cant help but shake my head. Dont get me wrong, Ive let people down but not intentionally and im far from being above fault but anymore people have no regard for anything.

At one time people that broke their word were illuminated and remotely outcast. Today, due to personal gain, it is overlooked. Granted there is no legal recourse or even tangible punishment for said actions but it just makes me sick to think that people cant even be honest anymore. Personal gain will always trump any previous dealings.

I use to gamble with my Granddad (mom's dad, not the preacher). Mom would have killed him if she knew. Once he asked if I wanted to play for money. I knew I couldn't take him, he was a long time gambler and could literally call your bones when playing dominoes, "Lay the deuce/ trey grandson, well make 20."

Regardless my pride got the best of me and he ended up with about $6 of mine, which at the age of 14 seemed like $1,000. He kept it and he was right to. He didn't need the money but roughly 16-years later I still remember sitting around that old round kitchen table and watching him throw down cards. He taught me a lesson to the tune of $6 but it was worth far more. He told me after the game he would give me back that $6 but it wouldnt be right. That is life. If you promise something its done, even if you gambled it away. Pick up your pride and move on better for the worse.

Now days, it seems, a lie will cost you no more than $1. People sale their integrity without hesitation. Granted if im traveling in NM and dont tip a waitress I will never see her again but does that mean I wont have to live with my actions? Not at all. The very fiber we are all woven of is made from what we believe and what we do and handle situations of important and not so important decisions.

I understand most people on here have that same view but its something that is slowly slipping through the cracks of the hustle and bustle. In the end I guess all we can do is keep our end of the deal but im afraid we are a dieing breed.

.....end of rant....

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Re: What happened to the handshake deal?

People I trust I'll send stuff too ahead of payment if possible...it helps keep those who are trustworthy wanting to stay that way and keeps them wanting to deal with me in the future.

.....all others I wait until the cash hits the palm of my hand or check clears.

My Word Is My Bond...I was raised that way and I'm enjoying the benefits of the trust from other people that way of living brings me and my family.

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Re: What happened to the handshake deal?

Don't know...sad though.

As an Air Force recruiter, if I make a mistake, the applicant calls his/her congressman. Now, they can lie to me all day long and I just gotta take it....a little frustrating, to say the least.

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Re: What happened to the handshake deal?

Let your yes, mean yes, and your no mean no. I try to live by that rule.

I've lost good money on different jobs I've done, because I follow that rule. It hurts sometimes, but in the end, all I really have is my integrity, and no one, can steal that from me.

The sad part these days, is that when someone gets ripped off for something, this somehow seems to give them the justification to retaliate by ripping off someone else. The first thief stole something of monetary value, and possibly had no integrity to begin with. The second thief gave up what little integrity he had, to do the same, which is a much greater loss than the first.

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Guest HaDeRonDa

Re: What happened to the handshake deal?

Some peoples word is not so.

As for the handshake. I've learned that it means I come unarmed and I bring you no harm. Generally, That is the exact meaning I accept.

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Re: What happened to the handshake deal?

it comes down to this screw me once shame on you screw me twice shame on me

Shure some people are out for personal gain but I have found that if you offer your trust and make good on your end of every deal you can and eventuall you will surround yourself with good honest people AKA friends and to those people your handshake is as binding as paper and ink any day

"a bad day in the woods beats a good day at work any day" unless you are one of the fortunate few whose job is in the woods

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