Argh! This is no fun!


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If I don't bag a turkey this fall, it will be 3 years without a turkey. This afternoon I went to a piece of stateland where I had seen alot of turkey activity and a couple hens in the spring - open hardwoods, mainly cherry and maple. Today, saw nothing, no scratchings, poop, or anything. I think it is probably because there is no food here so they moved probably closer to some farm fields or found some acorn/beech nuts somewhere. Maybe this weekend I'll connect on the neighbor's land who has a big flock of turkeys roaming around. And being this coming week is the last week, I'll be hitting it on the land around here if no luck on the weekend. It's hard to watching turkey hunting on tv when you are in a drought like this - so frustrating and depressing...I know just keep at it but gosh, what happened to the good old days a few years back.....

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Guest Oneida1

Re: Argh! This is no fun!

I hunt at a State Park here in Illinois. This spring was my first time hunting for anything. Because I get the kids off to school, I do not get into the woods until about 8:30. My husband helped me scout this spring and fall. I look for the areas that they travel through to get to different feeding areas. It has worked so far for me. I got a 18lb bird this spring and have missed 2 birds with my bow this fall. I think it is a hoot to hunt for turkeys!!!

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Re: Argh! This is no fun!

Enjoy the hunt! At least you have harvested a turkey. I've hunted hard for 3 years and had several close calls and have yet to fill a tag!! EVER!!!

Same thing with big bucks. Several close calls over the past 4 years and haven't put the big guy down.

Hunted black bear this year and didn't even see one. point is chin up and enjoy the opportunity we have to sit in the woods and try to harvest these animals. You will get one, but don't make the harvest the only good thing about it.

Good luck and can't wait to hear when you get one.

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Re: Argh! This is no fun!

Thanks guys. This is the last week. Being that ith as been an insane week with my cat this weekend and my sister Monday, I have not had much steam but I want to get out today at least if I'm not needed to help with getting a rental car and drop deer meat off to the butcher for hotdogs. Friday I don't think I'll get out, have to lifeuard and get my shotgun set-up for shotgun season but maybe I can use the offseason before the spring to start scouting state land for turkeys or something....or go shoot some fox on the land here that are probably the main reason for the decline on this land of turkey. Thanks for reminding me that hunting is not just about the kill...

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