
Guest SRA

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Re: Atheists?????

Refuse to get into any sort of a rant on this topic. I don't know many aetheists and the few I do know are not what you'd label as "bad people".

But I gotta ask one question:

How can anyone sit in a treestand or stand on a mountaintop, look around and deny the existence of God the Creator??

Random, cosmic, protoplasmic anomaly?? Really??? confused.gif

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Guest Lynn_in_IN

Re: Atheists?????

I am not a religious fanatic, but am strong in my beliefs. I was kicked back in my tree stand the other day when I heard the squack of geese flying south. I started looking for them in the sky, and couldn't believe it. there must have been over 300 of them in several flocks. I even watched them switching leads. It was the neatest thing.

Only God could have given me that... laugh.gif

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Guest Lynn_in_IN

Re: Atheists?????

God created the animals on the earth, and the fishes in the seas, and the fowl in the sky for man.

dont know the exact verse, but i remember something to that effect.. and I thank Him.

When I gave my son his first shotgun, I had a small brass plate put on the bottom of the grip portion of the stock that was engraved' Bryan- Love and respect all God created- Mom" and he has left it there and tells me it will NEVER come off..

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Re: Atheists?????


This is a bad circular argument.

We are all sinners and always will be. You either accept Christ and the free pardon of sin or you don't. However, expecting a Christian to stop sinning entirely is disengenuous. It isn't going to happen and never will.

If Christians are hypocrites, then so are our parents "do as I say and not as I do" laugh.gif


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Very true there New, and this could open up all sorts of other arguments.

I do catch myself being a hipocrit at times with telling my kids things and while I do try to set a good example, I do admit sometimes I do not always set the best example.

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Re: Atheists?????



how can you observe Christmas??? just you typing the name Christmas is giving reference to Christ.....and God.......therefore in keeping with your atheistic views you should NOT observe Christmas...a "hypocritical atheisist".....

not trying to be better than thou....but you're confusing me.....

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My entire family are Christians and out of respect for them and to not make a spectical of myself, I participate. I listen to Christmas music, I exchange gifts, I enjoy the whole family being together. When they do their prayer, I stand with them and hold hands and otherwise go through the motion. Just because I'm atheist, I'm not going to make a scene and try to force my beliefs on them and ruin their holiday.


If atheists do not believe in God, then why do they acknowlege Christmas and Easter and use God's name in vain?

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Why don't unbelievers ever take Buddha's or Allah's name in vain? Why is God's name the first one that always comes to their mouth to curse?

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I know, or I assume, these weren't aimed directly at me, but I'll answer anyway. I don't. I already explained my take on Christmas. I don't acknowlege, or down play Easter.

I don't take God's name in vain because I know that, in most places, 95% of the people around me are Christians, and I respect their beliefs. Too bad most Christians choose not to recipricate, but that's their choice.

I respect Christians for their ability to faithfully believe in something that I have no grasp of.

In fact, I sent a very nice Christmas gift to Jeramie, someone I've never met in person or talked to on the phone, which he received today, out of respect for his faith. Sorry I'm such a dispicable human being.

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I am not judging you Steven. Just never really understood atheism. Especially an atheist who was raised by Christians.

Do your parents know you don't believe in God? If my sons ever told me that it would crush me. frown.gif

Guess that kinda throws out the "raise a child in the ways of the Lord, and he will always return to it" huh??

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Re: Atheists?????


Do your parents know you don't believe in God? If my sons ever told me that it would crush me. frown.gif

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They know, and they're not exactly happy about it, but I don't bring it up to them too often. My mom still does try to get me into religeous conversations and I always say 'you don't want to cry today, do you?' and that usually ends it. Not that I'd yell at her or anything of that nature- she just won't hear what she wants to hear.

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Re: Atheists?????

Ughhh....of course there are atheists in here.

I think better questions would be

Anybody not believe in gravity?

Anyone think that their truck was created from an accidental boom at the junkyard?

Anyone here who doesn't realize that it takes more faith to sit on bleachers or a folding chair than it takes to believe in a Creator?

It is your choice to not serve the Creator...but to deny he exists or that we were created is as silly as sitting on the beach and throwing sand up in the air waiting for a magnificent castle to accidentally fall into place.

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Re: Atheists?????


Ughhh....of course there are atheists in here.

I think better questions would be

Anybody not believe in gravity?

Anyone think that their truck was created from an accidental boom at the junkyard?

Anyone here who doesn't realize that it takes more faith to sit on bleachers or a folding chair than it takes to believe in a Creator?

It is your choice to not serve the Creator...but to deny he exists or that we were created is as silly as sitting on the beach and throwing sand up in the air waiting for a magnificent castle to accidentally fall into place.

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I thought GM made my trucks grin.gif But I guess just like trucks, there are alot of religions to choose from with different owners and a different owner's manual. And then there are those of us who walk... don't feel too bad for us though because we get to spend our sunday's in a treestand. And I think I have lived as good of life as any other God believing being. JMO but if God does exist, I think he/she/it wants us to find a way to stop killing eachother rather prayer on sundays and not eating fish on fridays. As far as I'm concerned you can pray and eat whatever and whenever you want, just as long as your not taking lives.

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