muzzy moment, herd managment


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sorry yall no pics but friday evening i practiced a little herd managment. An average doe she came in on a string behind me and bed down about 35 yds. behind a thicket and around 5ish she got up and i called her in and decided to let my muzzy 100 grain eat!!! she ran off and i watched her start the front legged dive about 30 yds. later, then piled up in that thicket...of course so i sat in the stand and waited till dark then called jeff and he brought the 4 wheeler out and we drug her out. i hung her and sat. morning i let the woods rest while i got me some delicious backstraps and sent the rest to get processed for some sausage and such, cant wait!! Im def. ready for the heavy rut to kick in here in indiana, have seen some bucks cruising and chasing, just nothing close enough yet, but my muzzy will be waiting!!!

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Re: muzzy moment, herd managment

ahh..thanks m.h., it was fun and honestly if it wasnt the fact that she walked in a bed down on me for about an hour or so and then me calling her in at 25 yds. i dont think i wouldve taken her but it was a great hunt and everything from the wind to my shot was perfect, she walked into an opening and i drew back and waited for her to quarter towards me then my arrow had a great pass through double lung and she didnt go far. Just hope i can fill that buck tag soon.

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