Heard the Snort Wheeze Tonight


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I rattled in 4 different bucks tonight for my buddy but no monsters where present. One was a nice 3 1/2 year old 10 point but he needed more mass.

The killer is a 7 point came in and made a scrape 20 yards behind me, just tearing it up!. Then he went over our point and off the other side. About 5 minutes later I hear him loudly snort wheeze about 75 yeards from me.

So I did it back with a couple of soft grunts, and here they came..... a 2 1/2 year old 10 point being pushed away by the 2 1/2 year old 7 point , and his ears were pinned down tight. LOL

It was fun to watch. grin.gif

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Re: Heard the Snort Wheeze Tonight

Everybody's talking like the snort-wheeze is some kind of newly found deer vocalization. Actually it was back in the early 80's when I bought a deer calling audio cassette recording from a guy named Bob McGuire where he not only talked about the snort wheeze but demonstrated it as well. All these years have gone by without another word about that vocalization and all of a sudden it's the greatest thing since sliced bread. Somebody must have found a copy of that tape and decided to actually try it out....lol.


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Re: Heard the Snort Wheeze Tonight

About 3 weeks ago while walking back from my stand. it was at the point where you could see but very little. it was getting late. I had not seen a deer all evening. when I heard the ever familiar chase going on and they were coming rite at me. the doe was 60-70 yards in front of the buck. she saw me and spokked when the buck got to the point at which the doe spooked he was confused. I was crouched by the time the buck was in view preventing him from seeing me. I grunted with my mouth. He immediatly followed with a snort wheeze and started coming at me. at 10 yards I thought this mite not be a good idea. you always here the storys of the rut crazed buck attacking hunter. I stood up he spooked and that was that but what a neat thing to have happen.

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