I can officially hunt ducks! Woohoo!


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I love to hunt ducks but Dont like the taste. Ive tried them several different ways and no dice. Dad brought us up that if we didn't eat it, dont kill it. It worked because I havent hunted duck in forever.

I was talking to a guy here at work and he LOVES duck. Its one of his favorites. His brother is nuts for it too. He told me, "Ill take all the duck breast you can bring me... grin.gif Say no more Greg. tongue.gif

I went out Last week to hunt squirrel. We have 13 ponds on our ranch. One pond right behind mom and dad's house already had about 50 mallards on it. Several of the others had birds too. Looks like ive got some plans right after rifle season! Its actually pretty fun. You simply start out on one pond and shoot. The ducks then fly to another pond (which may have other ducks on it) and then you jump them again. Between 13 ponds you can easily kill your limit.

Ill get picks up after I lower the boom....

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Re: I can officially hunt ducks! Woohoo!

I'd posted this earlier in a different thread. It's a good recipe...if you want all the details about it I'll send them to you.

I ran across a good little duck breast recipe the other day. Have used it a couple times already this fall and it is really good. Calls for cutting the breast fillets into two slices each (done by pressing the breast against the cutting board and running a sharp fillet knife through the breast fillet) thus making two thin slabs. Cook butter and diced onions until soft, add the duck fillets that have been salt/peppered. Cook a couple of minutes on each side and then remove the duck. Then add brandy and mushrooms to the pan and cook a few minutes. Then add the duck breasts back to the pan until done (Don't overcook!!!).

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