PETA Develops New Anti-Hunting Website


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PETA Develops New Anti-Hunting Website- (12/10)


People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), an animal rights group known for its outrageous campaigns to end animal use, has found a new forum in which to promote its anti-hunting agenda.

PETA has developed a website,, which targets outdoor sports and wildlife population controls. The site urges visitors to print and post “No Hunting” and “No Fishing” signs and to join or form anti-hunting organizations. It calls on people to donate fishing tackle to the organization for use in anti-fishing demonstrations and “Fish Empathy Projects.”

The new website also attacks the traditional outdoor pursuit of trapping. It urges visitors to protest trapping, calling it a “cruel, barbaric, and immoral activity.”

“PETA is constantly making efforts to grab attention and impose its anti-hunting, anti-fishing and anti-trapping rhetoric upon people,” said Bud Pidgeon, U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance President. “This website, with its inaccuracies and half-truths, is just one more way the anti’s are attempting to end our outdoor traditions.”


Information on this website can be reprinted with a citation to the U.S. Sportsmen's Alliance and

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Re: PETA Develops New Anti-Hunting Website

What a bunch of tards. They don't understand hunters are the one who finance all these dnr wildlife studies through their purchase of licenses and equipment. They also don't understand that we have 20 million deer because of hunters. Sterilization is a joke. You can't expect a buck to act normally if he has been sterilized. I would like to see long term survival figures of neutered bucks over non neutered.

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Guest okiehunter

Re: PETA Develops New Anti-Hunting Website

I thought this was funny!!

• Cap your chimney. When birds sit on top of a chimney for warmth, they can inhale toxic fumes; they may also fall in and die.

I hope on of them doesn't seal off the chimney when they cap it. That could be bad.

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Re: PETA Develops New Anti-Hunting Website


I hope on of them doesn't seal off the chimney when they cap it. That could be bad.

[/ QUOTE ]

Heck, that could be good.

"Fishing empathy" projects? Are they going to put a jitterbug or rapala in their mouth then have one of their bunnyhugging buddies jerk real hard? I have some lures I'd donate for that long as I get to watch.

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Re: PETA Develops New Anti-Hunting Website

I don't really have a problem if people don't agree with hunting or don't feel it's right to kill animals, I worked with a lady who didn't believe in killing animals but whenever she was home in New York she didn't hesitate to help her brother clean a deer or fish if he had them. What I have a problem with is the militant groups who feel that hunting and hunters should be dealt with violently.

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Re: PETA Develops New Anti-Hunting Website

BUt PETA is a bunch of liars using misinformation and blatant lies to try to force their views on everyone else. If someone wants to disagree with hunting fine, but if you are going to lie and mislead nieve people to try to stop it you enter a new category....don't think teh name i have for that category is appropriate to be posted though. smile.gif

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Re: PETA Develops New Anti-Hunting Website

The best thing IMHO to do is for the hunting community to properly educate those who will listen and get them that proper management via hunting is the best economically(sp) and safest.. Show the world how misleading PETA is and how wacko they are.(They are doing that job already LOL)

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