Bobby Knight at it again!


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What is everyone's opinion of what happened last night with Bobby Knight slapping his player on the chin. Personally I can't stand the guy. Never have liked him, even before the choking incident at Indiana. But with my personal feelings aside, I just don't think that a coach has any right to lay a hand on a student/player, especially in the manner in which Knight did last night. I love Carolina basketball, but if Coach Williams did that to a player I would lose a ton of respect for him and hope that the University would come down on him with strict consequenses. Ok I'm done ranting, someone else chime in!

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Re: Bobby Knight at it again!


IMO i do not see anything wrong with it, you can read his lips when he did it and he said "look at me". If the player did not have a problem with it then i do not. I think they blew it out of proportion just because it was Bobby Knight. That is just my opinion though.

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I'm not a Knight fan but I agree with the above statement.

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Re: Bobby Knight at it again!



IMO i do not see anything wrong with it, you can read his lips when he did it and he said "look at me". If the player did not have a problem with it then i do not. I think they blew it out of proportion just because it was Bobby Knight. That is just my opinion though.

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I'm not a Knight fan but I agree with the above statement.

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Same here.

Coaches get intense and I have had my bball coach and track coach for that matter do things like that to get my attention. Things get intense and you can get lost in the heat of the moment very easily.

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Re: Bobby Knight at it again!

I know things can get heated, I played sports in HS and college, but I never had a coach lay a hand on me, or any of my teamates for that matter. I agree the media has blown it out of proportion, but come on guys, think about it. If you have kids, would you smack them in the face to get their attention?

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Re: Bobby Knight at it again!

Bobby Knight is a Good Coach!


Mental Let Downs on Both Sides.

He's a Coach, He Has to Do Things Better, everyones watching, etc etc


The Two Standard Rule.

One for set for ME

A Different set for YOU!!

People go to races to see the Crashes.

Hockey to see fights,

News People hawk coaches for the same reasons,

To make Mountains out of Mole Hills.

Only people worse than Lawyers


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Re: Bobby Knight at it again!


If you have kids, would you smack them in the face to get their attention?

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He didn't smack the kid in the face, he was bringing his chin up so the player would look him in they eye. He did it a little hard, but it didn't hurt the kid and noone in the family or the university is complaining so why is it such a big deal to everyone else?????

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Re: Bobby Knight at it again!

When i was playing football in high school, i had a coach grab me by the face mask in almost the same situation. i messed up a couple times and was down on myself, he grabbed my facemask and pulled me to the side, on the sideline during a time out. It didnt bother me, i knew what he was tryin to do and let me know he still had confidence in me.

I just think he meant to push his chin up and did it a little more forcefully than other people like.

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Re: Bobby Knight at it again!



If you have kids, would you smack them in the face to get their attention?

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He didn't smack the kid in the face, he was bringing his chin up so the player would look him in they eye. He did it a little hard, but it didn't hurt the kid and noone in the family or the university is complaining so why is it such a big deal to everyone else?????

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Bringing his chin up? Are you kidding me?

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Re: Bobby Knight at it again!

I agree blown way out of proportion.

Do you think that those guys signed scholarhsips at TT not knowing who the coach is. They knew, their parents knew and I bet parents were thinking, It will do my son alot of good to get that kind of discipline. If they had a problem with his well documented coaching style they should have gone elsewhere. Not like they got drafted.

Just my $.02

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Re: Bobby Knight at it again!


We have become such a soft nation................

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Ditto. What kind of college athlete can't take a little jab to the face? What has happened to men being men?

I don't see anything wrong with this at all. I love the Knighter, I'd play for a guy like him anytime.

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Guest gabuckbuster03

Re: Bobby Knight at it again!


IMO i do not see anything wrong with it, you can read his lips when he did it and he said "look at me". If the player did not have a problem with it then i do not. I think they blew it out of proportion just because it was Bobby Knight. That is just my opinion though.

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i also agree

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Re: Bobby Knight at it again!


This latest incident is just much ado about nothing in my opinion.

But with that said, I think Knight is a joke and if I was an AD at any school wouldn't hire him for free. smirk.gif

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Come on John Boy. He's old school pal, and I love his take on things.

Besides, how's it any different than Cowher sticking that brick of a chin out and spitting all over his players?

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Re: Bobby Knight at it again!

Its just the media and the negatvie agenda they have ... I mean sheesh ... its not like the kid got ticked at him or anything ... besides hes the coach and he should know whats best for his players and if need be be able to kick em right in the butt ... what a lam attempt to bring down another coach ... man the media just ticks me off with all this garbage ... it should be a mute pioint ...


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Re: Bobby Knight at it again!



This latest incident is just much ado about nothing in my opinion.

But with that said, I think Knight is a joke and if I was an AD at any school wouldn't hire him for free. smirk.gif

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Come on John Boy. He's old school pal, and I love his take on things.

Besides, how's it any different than Cowher sticking that brick of a chin out and spitting all over his players?

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How is he different? Are you freaking kidding me?

Here's how.....

Cowher (or anybody else for that matter) never

A) Smacked an opposing coach in the back of the head.

B) Was arrested for assaulting a police officer.

C) Threw a chair across the court.

D) "Allegedly" kicked his own son

E) Got fined by Indiana for ripping a student volunteer at a press conference in front of the media.

F) Made the following statement "I think that if rape is inevitable, relax and let it happen."

G) Shot his pal in the shoulder with a 20 gauge and didn't report the accident...didn't have a hunting license either by the way.

Should I go on........?

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Re: Bobby Knight at it again!


G) Shot his pal in the shoulder with a 20 gauge and didn't report the accident...didn't have a hunting license either by the way.

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That was just north of where my folks live in Wisconsin. crazy.gif

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Re: Bobby Knight at it again!

A) What does any of that have to do with this latest incident?

B) You're really stretching here.

C) The time you've just invested in drafting this neat little list was a waste...because it has nothing to do with my Cowher analogy.

D) I'd rather have someone hit my chin and say "look at me" than have some caveman looking blowhard spit all over my face because I dropped a pass. But that's just me. wink.gif

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Re: Bobby Knight at it again!

i agree with muggs... man what kind of men are we raising... my dad was a coach for 20+ years.... that little love tap from Bobby was nothing.... and cowher's spit ain't nothing... not one single day went by without half of his teams getting skoal granules in the eyes... he finally has quit coaching because of crap like this... we need to quit babying are kids (especially our boys) because life ain't easy... sometimes you take one on the chin and you keep going... you don't cry about it and plead for sympathy, because nobody really cares... this is the way it was in the hills of SE OK and I think most people would be better off if it was this way everywhere.

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Re: Bobby Knight at it again!


A) What does any of that have to do with this latest incident?

B) You're really stretching here.

C) The time you've just invested in drafting this neat little list was a waste...because it has nothing to do with my Cowher analogy.

D) I'd rather have someone hit my chin and say "look at me" than have some caveman looking blowhard spit all over my face because I dropped a pass. But that's just me. wink.gif

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None of that has to do with this latest incident, I told you I don't think this latest thing was a big deal. All it does is prove he's still a moron that can't control his temper like he's a 6 year old.

That list I posted was me trying to show you why I think he is a joke, and why he is nothing like Cowher or any other sane man coaching sports right now.

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Guest Lynn_in_IN

Re: Bobby Knight at it again!

The people of Indiana say, "Go TT!"

Indiana basketball will never be again what it was when Bobby was here!!! and if the citizens could vote on it like we vote for a governor, Bobbly would STILL be here!

The Lord is my Shepherd, but BOBBY KNIGHT IS MY COACH !

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Re: Bobby Knight at it again!


The people of Indiana say, "Go TT!"

Indiana basketball will never be again what it was when Bobby was here!!! and if the citizens could vote on it like we vote for a governor, Bobbly would STILL be here!

The Lord is my Shepherd, but BOBBY KNIGHT IS MY COACH !

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Truer words were never spoken (or typed). grin.gif

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