busted poachers!!


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some of you might remember i lost gun hunting rights on the land i hunt...well saturday i'm in my treestand with bow in hand..... then i hear a gunshot that was very close!!!!(just over the hill from were i was..) seconds after the shot , a buck comes cruzing over the hill and crashes 10 yards from my tree.. then two guys come running over the hill, when they got to the deer they were saying that they had better get out of here and fast( they never looked up at me) {i thought about saying something right then but they had a gun and i didn't} one guy ran to get the truck...i got the color make and model along with the plate number!! as soon as they were out of sight i went to the landowner's house and called NATURAL RESOURCES POLICE... they came took my statement,,while taking my statement another officer came over and said they had the guys pulled over up the road........they got pulled over by a regular cop for blowing a red light, and whil writing the ticket, got the info i provided over the phone..... they brought the guys back to the land and i identified them and the 6 point buck in the bed of the truck!!!! i was told i mat need to appear in court as a wittiness...... the deer was donated to farmers and hunters feeding the hungry, and the guys got cuffed and stuffed!!!! just waiting to find a story in a local paper about it and nothing so far!!!!! oh the guys were not only tresspassing but illegaly firing a rimfire rifle in county limits , and of coarse poaching!!!!! i hope they rot!!!!!!

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Re: busted poachers!!

Chances are you will never see court. Guys like that tend to take the first deal to come along. Great job though. More people should get involved. Excellent decision on not revealing yourself also. Things could have been real ugly.

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