territorial scrape???


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I know scrapes always or almost always have licking branches. I found one here Sunday afternoon that is brand new, was not there Sunday morning when I came back through from the stand. The scrape has no limb anywhere hanging over, but is instead 2 feet away from a crossing in the fence where the top strand of wire is pushed down. I know the deer cross there, they have forever. This scrape I am pretty certain was made by a deer that was showing some aggression, the leaves and some dirt were flung probably up to 6 feet from the actual open scrape, usually they are just piled up a short ways behind the scrape. I have my hangon stand about 30 yards from the fence opposite side of the scrape, going down the hill closer to the bottom.

Have seen a group of 5 does down in the bottom, think they are bedding on the high side of a brush pile just up the hill from the water. Usually see tons of rubs later on in the season along the fence over the hill from where the scrape is at.

Question is, what is the likelihood that the buck that made this scrape is the dominant buck? Got a pic Sunday morning of a good mature deer, back along the river about a 1/4 mile from this spot, am really thinking he may be the deer that came through and made the scrape sometime after I got down.

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Re: territorial scrape???

OK, hunted the hangon yesterday afternoon and found three more scrapes on the same tree line within 30 yards of the fence and the other scrape. Pretty good sized track in the scrapes. Also found a very fresh rub where the deer totally thrashed a cedar.

Think possibly now that the scrape at the fence is a sign to warn off other bucks that these are this boys does, maybe?

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