NY Gun Hunters


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Re: NY Gun Hunters

Yup! All my stuff has been packed for two days. Clothes are hanging in the shed, and the gun has been cleaned and lightly lubricated. Tree stand placed last Saturday. It's been raining all week, and the fields were saturated last week. I'll be taking an extra set of socks. I figure I'll need to switch out when I get to my stand. It's time for the SMACKDOWN to begin!

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Re: NY Gun Hunters

Like QDMA I've been hunting the Northern Zone since it opened up with a rifle.

I do have plans to Bowhunt some property Friday in the southern zone in preparation for early Saturday morning though wink.gif

I've seen this guys brother(who is now 2yrs older and bigger) once and he was just sighted again by the property owner cool.gif

If I get the chance too...I'll take a shot either way Bow or Rifle!!!!


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Re: NY Gun Hunters


Like QDMA I've been hunting the Northern Zone since it opened up with a rifle.

I do have plans to Bowhunt some property Friday in the southern zone in preparation for early Saturday morning though wink.gif

I've seen this guys brother(who is now 2yrs older and bigger) once and he was just sighted again by the property owner cool.gif

If I get the chance too...I'll take a shot either way Bow or Rifle!!!!


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He is a great looking buck, hope you get his brother good luck

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Re: NY Gun Hunters

Brother Hunter....LOL...I'd feel blessed just to see him again let alone take a shot wink.gif

This year has been dedicated to trying to take a Mature Buck and as you know thats not a recipe for success alot of the time...especially in an area thats not known for large racks!

It's been one of the hardest things I've ever done not to hunt everyday there...but I've been too afraid my constant presence would blow him into the next county! The good news is that both times he's been sighted have been in the early afternoon...traveling in the same direction cool.gifcool.gifcool.gif

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Guest HaDeRonDa

Re: NY Gun Hunters

I'm not quite ready. I still have a few things to get gathered up.

I'm ready mentally though!! My stand is facing away from the sun and should be facing away from the wind as well.

I'll be 25 ft high with a great view of a swamp to my south and a 150 yd field in front of me. A huge hawthorn thicket will be to my back and north. 99% of anyone who enters this area will be coming from my back, hopefully pushing deer my way. Feeling jittery right now.

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Re: NY Gun Hunters

Are you ready? LOL no! I am taking a break from packing right now

Do you have your shells Yes

your knife sharpened Sharpened and used once already

drag rope Yes

flashlights and batteries Not needed

2way radios All charged up

rags to clean your hads with Paper towel packed

grunt call and any scents Buying scent tomorrow

Is your gun sighted in and ready to go? Done yesterday

Good now your ready for the Saturday opener. 2 more days.

Good luck everyone and please stay safe!!! laugh.gif

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Guest nyhunter24

Re: NY Gun Hunters

i cannot wait until tomorrow when i leave for camp. i have been looking forward to this day since last year. got almost everything packed and will be gone for 6 days. did i mention i can't wait? good luck everyone!

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Re: NY Gun Hunters

Good Luck everyone and hunt safe!

I'll be off tomorrow for 5 days in region 3. There are antler restrictions in this area(bucks with 3 on one side are legal), so I anticipate the buck take will be down being it is the 1st year for the AR's. In 2 years there will be better bucks. The doe tags are scarce in this area also.

I look forward to just being around the fire with good friends.

Have a great time people!

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