The Knight says "Good Knight"


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I took the Knight with me opening morning of gun season here in Michigan. It was either that or the slug gun so I went with the accuracy. I took this guy at about 50 yards with a hard quartering away shot which got the guts,liver, and a lung. Full story is in the deer hunting room.


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Re: The Knight says \"Good Knight\"

Thats a Knight Revolution .50 cal shooting 245grain Powerbelts and 120 grains of Pyrodex powder. It hold 3 bullets inside a 50 cent piece at 100 yards. Its a very deadly combination, never mis-fired and wouldnt trade it for any other muzzle loader on the market.

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Re: The Knight says \"Good Knight\"

Congratulations on that buck. Ironic isn't it the king of the woods taken down by a knight. My knight just loves an 80 gr load of FFg Goex and a 45 cal 300 gr xtp in a harvester crush rib sabot. I found it gives a much better fit than powerbelts and I get about 3/4 inch groups at 100 yds with this combo. The doe I killed in sept with that combo was a quartering to shot but she died nontheless.

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