Change of Plans


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Right now I was planning on heading to Southern IL for shotgun season tomorrow. Normally I hunt down there the first season and then up here the second.

Well I changed my mind when i went to sight my gun in today at my dads place. I sighted in and then took a quick walk around to check a couplke spots for sign. Well the sign I saw was a typical 10 point that is probably in the 160's or higher blush.gifgrin.gif He was a horse with antlers on his head basically and he had a doe with him. I didn't bump them too bad and they just went from the back pasture to the front pasture. I got out of there quietly and hopefully him or something along those lines will be in there in the morning. Then I'm going to hunt the place where I saw the big 10 point last night for an evening hunt (if needed grin.gif)

I'm a little worried as I'm not used to seeing many deer when I hunt up here - but when I do they seem to be big so I'll give it a try. Second season I'll try to hit Southern IL and see if there are any deer left down there LOL

Start praying now


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