sighting in my 270


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I've been shooting Remington 140 gr ballistic tips or accubond in my ruger no.1 so today I shot some Federal Premium 150 gr partitions.This load also shot 2" high at a hundred yards and I only had to move the scope two clicks to left and it's good to go. smile.gif I was thinking the heavier bullets would have hit low but maybe the velocity is higher in the Federal Premiums to compensate for the 150 gr bullet.

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Re: sighting in my 270

I read ro saw somewhere that Fedearl loads are "hotter" then the other companies out there. I think Remington comes in a close 2nd.

Not sure how reliable that is but I did hear that at one time...

My guns seem to like Federal factory ammo better then any other factory ammo and I grew up a Remington guy...


Glad it was not a nightmare resighting in for a different cart. It sometimes can be a headache.

I know.... LOL

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Re: sighting in my 270

It could be a hotter load, but more than likely the 150gr. bullet is a tad longer, so it is seated deeper in the case and there will be slight increase in pressure so that would increase your velocity also!

It doesn't really surprise me that they hit about the same place!

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Re: sighting in my 270

Must be something about the bigger loads...... I just shot my Win Mod 70 .270, at 70yds, my 130gr Sierra Boattails were kinda "off". Went in, grabbed 2 140gr Ballistic tips, 1/2" apart, 2" high......... Go Figure, and I ain't a fan of Ballistic tips, but guess what is gonna be in my gun in the AM

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Re: sighting in my 270

Well today I shot my son's remington 700 30.06 because yesterday he didn't have any luck getting it to group with the Federal Premium 180 gr partitions,this is a high energy load pushing almost 2900 fps.

I shot 9 shots in probably a 3"-4" circle at 100 yards which is not good.My son kept pulling shots to the left,I told him now he knows he doesn't need a 300 mag. wink.gif

His rifle had a cheap trigger job done and it seems ok,the scope is a Burris fullfield II 4-14x42.

Today I had the shakes so most of the problem is probably me and not the gun but I didn't have any trouble sighting this gun in last year with 165 gr fusion bullets.

His gun might not like the hot load I don't know? confused.gif


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Re: sighting in my 270

Well this is heresy I know but I've always just got mine shooting dead on at 25 yards and went from there-it's worked for 20 years and probably a 100 deer. I never could punch paper worth a darn-but out to 350 yards I'll put most deer and yotes in mortal danger. One thing I do though is shoot my rifle year round at game from moose to gophers so am pretty comfortable with it.

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Re: sighting in my 270

Got to remember that EVERY gun is different.

You can have identical Remington BDL 30.06 rifles, same scope, and same ammo, out of the same box, and they will shoot/group them differently.

Some guns set on one particular load and will shoot little 3 leaf clover groups all day long with a certain bullet.

Change the grain of bullet and it shoots crappy.

It sucks but there is the hard truth.

You gotta buy a lot of different ammo to find what your gun like.

Or reload and work up several different combos to find what it likes.

This is an even more prodominate issue in ML guns...

But yes flinching is most likely 90% of everyones problem off the bench.

Your focused more on the gun, recoil, and crosshairs movin around then on your target and breathing.

If you dont think so, or that your not doing this, then mix in one shell thats empty without know which shell it is and see just how much your gun and crosshairs move when you pull the trigger without the gun going off..


Its amazing.

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