** Satisfaction (pics)


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I've always been intrigued with how certain moments in a persons life can be so signifacant that they can remember them forever, while another person can share the same moment and have absolutely no lasting significance.

This is one of those moments for me that will stay with me forever and goes down as one of my greatest hunting moments, while many will read this and just see an average hunt with an average buck.

Second day of the 2006 IL shotgun season, the second morning it's always harder to wake up to. But I ws taking a friend with me so I dragged my butt out of bed and put on my gear as Leeloo did her baaaaawooooo to announce that Jack had arrived. Day 1 was overall very uneventful and the drive out the overall feeling is we both thought staying in bed might have been the better plan.

When we arrived we split up and headed in, it was a nice morning - cold with a light breeze. As I entered the back pasture I bumped 2 deer out of the grain sorgum patch and I thought "Great, that's it for the day". I made it to my stand and got up the tree. It wasn't long before the shots started popping off around the surrounding farms. I sat and enjoyed the sun coming up and was looking for the first squirrels to start hoping around the hickory trees.

Right about 7:00 I noticed some movement in one of the briar patches. Sure enough it was a young buck and he was heading into the soybeen field. I have to admit I was excited, and even though he was not the monster I'ld seen a few days earlier, it really didn't matter. I shot underneath him on my first shot and he hopped out another 10 yards and turned broadside. Second shot was dead on and he went down and was done.

I called Jack and asked "Was that you that just shot?" grin.gifgrin.gif No, that was you, he answered, what is it? My reply was "That my friend is the first deer that has ever been taken off my dad's farm."



The farm that I grew up on is being sold and will change hands in January. I've hunted it on and off over the years and made it my goal to take a deer off of there before it was sold - the satsfaction I received out of this mornings hunt I really can't describe. Jack was kind enough to take a few field shots of me to remember the moment. The backdrop is the back pasture with the food plot that me and my girls worked so hard on this summer, behind that the hickory grove with the sunrise coming through the trees. Doesn't get much better than that.


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Re: ** Satisfaction (pics)

I hope a pray I see a deer like this on mine property, he is considered one of our "good ones".

Its a great story and I definately understand the significance to why it will go down as one that will never be forgotten.

No deer I have taken has been lessoned for me and I can almost tell ya the time to the minute for everyone I took so I definately understand.

Great buck and glad you were able to reach a personal goal and have some closure to the property being sold.

Congrats once again.

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Re: ** Satisfaction (pics)

Wow Nick!!! I knew that a buck would range during the rut but that is unbeleivable grin.gifgrin.gif They really do look like brothers.

My girls were excited to receive their first lesson in field dressing a deer. I wasn't sure how it would all go over but they both did really well. They both wanted to get in on dragging the deer, I was suprised but they actually did move him a good ten feet or so LOL


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