What happened Okies?


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Re: What happened Okies?

No deer Sat morning, Sat night, saw 5, only one I could indentify, it was a doe, decided to wait awhile before I shoot one, This morning, saw 3, 1, No idea, second was at 8:15, not really sure, think it was a doe, then at 9:45 a buck walks in downwind of me, sticks around a couple of minutes, no shot oppurtunity. Tonight, 1 lone doe, and that's all I gotta say about THAT

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Re: What happened Okies?

I had a good 8 point come in Saturday morning and he stopped behind some trees. Stood there for a good 5 minutes barely moving at all, he finally shifted around a bit and I heard something coming down the other side of the hill. When I look over there it's a coyote! When I look back for the deer all I see is a white rear end with his tail high. Boy was I mad!

Saturday evening I head out and 5 minutes into the hunt, here comes that blasted coyote. I say blasted because that's how he ended up. He stopped in some tall grass about 80 yards out and I let him have it. The rest of the evening is spent watching about 40 turkeys wander around my food plot. All in all, opening day was a great day hunting!

Went out sunday morning for a short hunt before church and only saw that same flock of turkeys.

This is my fourth year hunting my in-laws 350 acres. I finally got some good plots put in and am able to spend enough time improving the natural habitat that I feel like I've made a big difference. I've already seen more deer and turkeys this year alone than the previous three year's combined! I may never be able to grow an entire herd of trophy deer on this small of a property, but the quality of overall hunting has definitely improved.


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Re: What happened Okies?

Saturday morning I seen 14 does and 3 decent bucks. Then a really nice buck that I probably should have taken. Had a very unique spike I messed with for about 20 minutes till I finally chuckled and he got upset and stomped off. This poor guy was 15 yards from me and just could not figure out what I was. He would stomp at me, I would raise my gun. He would run a 10 foot circle, I would lower my gun. This went on and on. I finally chuckled a little to loud and he stomped off the other way. He stood about 40 yards away and just wouldn't leave. Seen 1 doe Sunday other than the 5 I jumped when I was going in. Heard lots of shooting though. I thought WW3 had started.

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Guest Buckwheat

Re: What happened Okies?

I sat in my stand all day Saturday from 5:30 am until 6:30 pm and saw thirteen deer all in all. I actually saw two bucks at 1:30 and 2:15 cruising for does but they were 2 1/2 year olds and I passed them up . I have my eyes sat on 4 particular bucks.

Went out Sunday morning and at 9 am saw a really good 7 point chasing a hot doe. I will be back out this week and hopefuuly the bucks stay stupid seems as if the rut is just beginning to get under way in my area.

Good luck to the rest of you guys.

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Re: What happened Okies?

didn't see a stinking deer on saturday... saw two spikes sunday morning... pretty exciting, i grunted them within ten yards... fun to play with those little ones. i'll be back at it the last nine days of season... hopefully a mature buck will have his ears laid back by yours truly.

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Re: What happened Okies?

I shot a 13 point first 5 mins of legal shooting time opening day, dressed out at 170lbs not a real big rack but he,s pretty unique with stickers,, my son rem2506 shot a 10 point last nite that broke the scales at the local check station, the scales only go up to 220lbs, rem2506 posted a pic of it in the bow hunter success thread

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