Does/Button Bucks


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I always told myslef that for my first deer, i am going to use the "if its brown its down" mentallity. now that i have my first out of the way...i want to to set a restriction for myself...mature deer question is...what are some ways to determine if it is a button buck or Doe? ( other than what its got down below obviously

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Re: Does/Button Bucks

body size. Usually button buck is smaller than a mature doe.

Good Binos like tedicast said because then you can see the buttons.

I have noticed most of the time the button buck is the first to show up. And usually because he is young he is kinda dumb always sticks around and easy to kill. Not always but ya get the idea.

Alot of time the button buck will be by himself. He shows up a lot of times by himself and leaves by himself. Especially this time of year.

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Re: Does/Button Bucks


If your not sure, dont shoot.

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thank you Mr. Obvious wink.gif. of course i don't plan on shooting if i can't tell. but that is the purpose of this find out a few helpful hints when trying to determine. and if i still can't tell after looking for some of or all of these things, i won't shoot smirk.gif

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Re: Does/Button Bucks

Shorter face is a good call, If earlier in the year, a BB (button Buck) will be with its mom (doe). It will probably be nervous in most cases that I have seen. Most of all with good observation its possilbe to see bumps on the head of a BB. If possible watch the deer as much as possible before shooting, you will know what it is.

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Re: Does/Button Bucks


Have never accidentally mistaken a button buck for a doe. Body size and the shape of the face are usually good to pay attention to. Even with decent binoculars it is pretty easy to see the buttons.

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I agree....look at the face, length of the nose. I can also usually tell by the length of the body between the shoulder and back leg. I focus on the size difference in these two areas when looking at the deer.

Most importantly, don't be in a hurry to shoot. Take your time and make sure.

Mature does should be easy to spot. Good luck. grin.gif

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Re: Does/Button Bucks


Most importantly, don't be in a hurry to shoot. Take your time and make sure

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Got to say Amen to that. Too many people out there who just dont take the time to really look at the deer, that is where I would be willing to bet the most common mistake is made when mistakenly shooting a button for a doe.

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Re: Does/Button Bucks

Lots of good ways already listed. But sometimes your faced with that last few minutes of light and theres a "deer" out there.

If not sure dont shoot is the best advice.

No matter how good your binos are its tough to see buttons at distance no less in low light.

I normally can tell by the shape of its head and face 1st off. Short and stubby, neck is thin, and belly is not filled out.

Fairly easy if standing next to or with its mom.

Later in the season when the doe are in heat and being chased you will not have this comparision.

Best thing to do and I know this is not much help for the here and now but try to observe as many as you can during the earlier season. Learn body launguage of doe and buttons together and apart.

Study head and face shape which to me is the biggest difference other then the obvious buttons or his tig-n-berries. LOL

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Re: Does/Button Bucks

few things....

1) short snout

2) sticks around a long time

3) has nubs on its head

like others have said, if yer not sure dont shoot... thats what i did this morning, and i'm glad i held off, cause i later found out the deer i passed was infact a button buck

also, a nice 12 power binoculars would be helpful

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