It really is unreal...


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I just don't understand how deer have that Sixth Sense. Tonight was a great example. Got settled into the stand and about an hour later I catch movement about 70 yards in front of me. 4 does were running from who knows what. Probably all the gunfire around them. I don't see them for about 2 minutes after they disappear behind some trees. Low and behold, I start to hear the leaves rustling to my right about 70 yards away. Here they come, straight for my stand. The path they take would lead them right under my stand. The wind is PERFECT, in my face, no way possible they can smell me, or is there? They get to about 10 yards when all of a sudden the lead doe decides she wants to see whats up in the trees. Yup, you guessed it, she gets nervous when I guess she saw my outline or the wind decided to start swirling. They all come to an abrupt halt and then retreat in a hurry. I couldn't shoot because I had my bow and she was facing head on to me, then they all scattered real fast. I just don't get how they can be so relaxed, not a care in the world out around 50 yards, but when they get close to your stand they know that something is there and isn't right. I guess thats what makes them so good at surviving, but it just makes me Sorry had to rant. Anyone else having this problem more and more? I'm hanging my stands around 20 feet with plenty of cover. I guess the deer just don't like me this year. laugh.gif

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Re: It really is unreal...

Funny how they can notice something different and they decide to wig out. Had the same thing happen back in our archery season when a little 4 pointer was out in my opening and I was waiting for a nice 10 pointer to step a few more steps while I was at full draw. The 4 pointer looked up at me for some reason think he had been shot at before. Then he took off, and the 10 pointer looked around not sure what was going on and then went on and walked off being just a few steps from me releasing.

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Re: It really is unreal...

Sounds to me like a mature doe knows your stand location from past encounters.

Had that issue with a certain big momma for a few years.

God I hated that deer!

She would ruin so many potential shooting opportunities for me. LOL

Id get busted from way to far out and up wind of my stand everytime she would try to go up a particular trail.

Normally with other in tow or well in front of her.

Sometimes its not you, your outline, or that you were winded. Sometimes they know where your stand is and check it everytime time they go by.

If that one time it looks "different" they wig out.


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