Indiana Boys


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Hey I was just wondering how you all did in Indiana this weekend. I was not able to hunt since I am STILL in Germany but I will be back in about 3 weeks. My brother and my dad, have been calling me and keeping me updated, and my brother shot a little doe this morning. I will post pics, when they send me some after they get home tonight.

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Guest outdoor_adventurer

Re: Indiana Boys

i saw three does and a spike opening day. and i had a buck walk towards me sunday but i couldn't see it b/c of a pine tree in the way. and i had a buck walk behind me and he was jumpy and spooked. but then while bowhunting on another property i saw two albino bucks together which was weird. are albinos illegal to shoot in indiana? thats bout it i let the does and spike walk sense i was on public land at the time and i didn't want a spike. i know there is bigger ones there.

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