Eight Pointer


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Saturday was opening morning of rifle season in Alabama. I set up on the edge of a clearcut, along a creek, before sunrise.

Shortly after 7 am, I saw a buck making his way across it going from my right to left. I couldn't get a clear shot and by the time I could get my grunt call out he was nearly 3/4 of the way across it. When I grunted, he turned his head for a second and kept going. When he got to the far corner (opposite side, far left), he turned and followed the edge coming my direction, but stopped and went the other way. I grunted a few more times, but he just kept going.

He wasn't even out of site when I saw another deer headed my way from my right. It was a spike and he walked right to me and stopped about 15 yards from my stand. I was about 25 feet up, so I knew he wouldn't see me. He looked around for a few minutes and then headed the same direction the eight pointer had gone.

About 30 minutes later, I saw a deer coming from my left. It was a buck, but not the eight pointer. I grunted a few times and he came in on a string, jumping over downfalls and brushpiles in his way. It was a small six pointer (he'll be nice in a couple years) with a decent spread for such a young deer. He walked right underneath my stand and stopped just short of the creek looking for where that grunt came from. He "freshened up" his tarsal glands about 25 yards from my stand. First time I've ever seen a deer doe that. After a few minutes, he headed down into the creek bottom and dissappeared.

Not long after, I saw a doe come busting out on my right, taking the same path as the eight pointer did earlier. She was going at a steady pace with her tail up. Unfortunately, nothing was behind her.

It wasn't even 8 o'clock and I had already seen four deer.

Around 8:30, I heard squirrels barking on my left. Shortly after, the same six pointer came out about 50 yards to my left and headed the same direction all the others had gone.

I sat there for a while thinking about the eight pointer I had seen and where he might have went. Was he headed to his bedding area? Maybe that's where they were all headed. Would I see him again? Heck, I saw him the first 15 minutes of the season, he wasn't spooked, so my chances of seeing him again are pretty good.

About 9:40, a hawk flew over and landed in a dead tree about 70 yards away. I got my camera out to try and get some pictures of him. He was gone before I turned it on. I decided to take some pictures of my surroundings. After doing so, I hung the camera around my neck so it would be easier to get too.

I looked up and there was a buck crossing the clearcut! He was about 1/3 of the way across it. I got my gun up and grunted with my mouth to try and stop him. Of course, he stopped right behind a sweet gum and looked up, but I could see it was a good buck - an eight pointer, possibly the same one I had seen earlier. He started walking again and I grunted once more, stopping him in an opening.

Boom! The .270 roared!

He kicked his hind legs up and too off! I saw him dissappear over a brushpile at the edge of the cut. I sat there and calmed down a bit and made sure I had the spot he was standing marked before climbing down. It takes forever to get from 25 feet up in a climber when you got a good buck down. smirk.gif

I walked over to the spot and saw blood sprayed on the bushes. laugh.gif Followed the trail without hesitating or missing a step to the brush pile. As I came around it, there he was! cool.gif That jump over the brush pile was his last. He was laying right in an old food plot that was planted last year.




He's definately not a monster, but I couldn't be happier with this deer. Very good tine length, although his right side is a little weaker than the left. It also doesn't curve in like the left side, but that just increases the spread.

I'm still not positive if this was the same deer I had seen earlier. If it isn't, then they were very close in size.

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Re: Eight Pointer


It was killed in Russell County, just across the river and a little south of Columbus, GA.

I'm thinking about getting him mounted, the main reason being this is the biggest racked buck that's ever been killed on this land. My grandparents have lived there for 28 years. Supposedly, there's been bigger ones seen, but not by me. I've hunted there for over 15 years.

Thanks for all the replies! It's definately a good start to my season over there.

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