Pics from this weekend's hunt


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I personally was not successful this weekend, but when I got up to my grandma's, my uncles were just about to skin this buck that one of my cousin's shot. He grossed 132" and weighed 196lbs dressed.



Hunted on Saturday, only saw a lot of wolf tracks. Took a pic of one of the tracks. Two timberwolves were running down one of the bush roads full bore after a deer. This was the bigger of the two wolves. That's a .300 WSM shell for comparison. This big ole timberwolf would go 100-120lbs.


I went out to my rifle stand on Sunday and only saw a muscrat rippin' up and down the creek, the weather made the day though. It was about -5, light flurries and no wind. Perfect day for deer huntin'. cool.gifgrin.gif

Here's a couple pics from my stand....




This is the same creek, but down about 100 yards from my stand, the pics didn't turn out the best, but the scenery is pretty cool.




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