Duck hunting anywhere?


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i was just curious if anyone else is having a bad year duck hunting or is it just me? last year was my first year and me and a buddy did pretty good i would say we shot about 50 each. this year is a different story, we only have been out 4 times because it was just so slow. i have shot 6 this year and he has shot 8. just wondering how everyone else has been doing thanks.


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Re: Duck hunting anywhere?

i went out this morning and saw about 15 to 20 woodducks but no big ducks. i really don't think i sat there long enough to see what would come in late. i did manage to get one drake woodie. i took one of my buddies with me but he did not hunt. he's wanting to get into bird hunting and he really enojed it until he fell and got his sleeves wet on his jacket. I think with the cold front coming in should be really good.

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Re: Duck hunting anywhere?


Have not seen any other duck besides teal and wood ducks. Absolutely horrible. Looks to me as if DU is doing more harm than good. just my opinion. I was a firm supporter and member of DU but have totally turned against their program

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I'm not sure I see how DU is responsible for this year's overall poor season? There's not a lot anybody can do to make it rain during drought years, which was the major reason this year's population took a hit. The biggest factor in migration patterns is weather, and if the ducks just fly through without stopping is that really DU's fault?


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