1891 G. Henry Shotgun Info?


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12 Gauge Single Shot Break Action

Does anyone have any books with info on this gun? What is its history, value, etc.? I don't have any resources and don't want to order a book with this info if someone else could graciously look it up for me grin.gifgrin.gif

It was given to me by my grandfather for my high school graduation. Here's the pics. Thanks for looking!




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Re: 1891 G. Henry Shotgun Info?

Just wanted to update you guys with what I found over on antiqueguns.com So far its just a utility gun or "farm" gun... basically not worth much of anything or even safe to shoot with modern smokeless powder shells. It was just another tool on the farm back in those days... Now its a wall decoration.


> > i did a quick patent search and this is what

> > i found; patent 461679 dated 10-20-1891 issued

> > to grandville henry of nazareth, pennsylvania,

> > for a single barrel outside hammer shotgun.

> > no information on any manufacturing date or

> > company. i think some research into p

> > ennsylvania manufacturers would be in order.

> > this may be a utility grade single barrel but

> > it is not as other have said a brand Or trade

> > name shotgun. bill

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