My quickest hunt ever!


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Well I first of all owe God great thanks for blessing us this hunting season: Andy got a doe and I got a buck and doe with archery, then Andy got a doe Saturday and I got a doe TODAY with shotgun. So you all wanna hear the story and see the pics I guess. Here's the story, will get the photos up later.

About noon we put our hunting clothes on and drive down the road to park on a tractor path below a patch of pines that is surounded by fields on all sides, and the road we live on at one end with a hay field between the woods and road. It is probably quarter after 12pm, the neighbors are in eating lunch, so we make our move,lol grin.gif I hike up the path about 1/2 way then step just inside the woods about 5 yards. Andy is back down by the car. The pines have alot of brush and briars so the deer like to go hide in there and they also come in here when they get pushed from the other side of the road. I tell him I'm ready over the radio. Literally 2 minutes later I here deer crashing to me at my left. I have my gun up and can't see them because I'm on the side of a bank and there is brush above me. Next thingI know out pops a doe 10-15 yards away! I think she was quartering towards me but all I know is she stopped, I got the crosshairs on her and BOOM! I'm still looking through the scope and she has moved about 5 yards closer and is staring straight at me! I don't know if I should run or not being that close grin.gif Then I think there is no way I missed! Suddenly she turns and runs and I see the blood on her side a little back from her shoulder but not too far back, and she takes off across and down the bank and a bigger doe pops out and runs with her. I tell Andy on the radio I got one as I see her stop and the other one keep going. She stops in the briars behind a tree and beds down. I look through the scope best I can. Eventually I see her head weaving and know she isn't going anywhere! andy comes up along the other side of the woods, opposite me in the corn field. We stand there about 20 minutes to make sure then, although I know where she is, I follow the blood trail anyway. Decent blood trail and probably after about 50-60 yards I come upon a nice young doe, about same size of my archery doe (I know, I didn't get those photos up yet,lol). Slug hit behind the shoulder, just a little back and didn't exit as it stopped by the opposite hind leg knee. Let me tell you that was an easy drag and andy just drove the car up the tractor path a little and we loaded her in the trunk. We got home and the clock says 1:23pm. We were out there maybe 45 minutes! The most time being spent cleaning her probably. Thank you Lord for your blessings! Now Andy and I have our buck tags left which we'll be trying to fill. We have 3 deer in the freezer and 3 hanging in the root cellar(a neighbor got a buck and doesn't want all the meat) grin.gif Good luck everyone and be safe!

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