Hunters Blend?


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Haven't seen this product at the walmarts here. They are carrying the new Biologic's GreenPatch. It is a 10# bag and cost 6 bucks. It is a mixture of wheat, oats, and annual clovers and brassica. It is a cheap way of developing a small plot. It states a 10# bag will plant 1/4 acre.

I have never heard of Hunter's blend. Look at the seed content and see what is in it.


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Re: Hunters Blend?

Also has oats. Seems like there were a couple of other seeds in there to. 70% of the bag is wheat, and then it trickles on down from there. I had planted some a couple of weeks ago, but it never rained on it so it had all died, but I walked iot last night after our rain, and there is still a bunch of seed on the ground, so hopefully it comes back up.

Will replant tonight, and next week.

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