Reloading a .270 win

Guest littlered

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Guest littlered

i am new to the world of reloading and was seeking advise about anything i can learn. i bought a lee anniversary kit lyman dies and a good set of calipers. will this do fine? are there any good sites where i can go to learn the basics of realoading? any comments would help


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Re: Reloading a .270 win

The very first thing to do would be to invest in a new reloading manual. Then read it. If you have a friend who reloads you might want to let him walk you through the basic steps.

Above all- Don't try to make Hot-Rods out of reloads. Safety can't be stressed enough. Read that manual and learn how to detect signs of too much pressure and/ or dangerous loads. Start small and work your way up. Often times you'll find a slower bullet is more accurate anyway.

As you progress you will want to buy more equipment. The sky is the limit here. Stick with the basics for now. If you continue to be interested OK, go for the more pricey toys.

There are some tapes and dvd's out there to help get you started, check with Cabella's or Gander Mountain. If you question something, get an answer before proceeding. Don't leave anything for guess.

I am sure others will add to this, especially AJ. One thing you probably won't get is real numbers of powder charges. Even if you do, make sure you check your manual to be sure you are within the safety zone for the cartridge type and bullet weight you are loading. Don't trust anyone!

Again, reloading is a great hobby, but it must be done safely and respectfully. Have fun.

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Re: Reloading a .270 win

Get yourself a Hornady reloading manual. There are 2 volumes to it! Read and heed!

I load my own shells and for the 270 I use Hornady, 130 grain, Interbond bullets! I use Reloader 22 powder, Winchester brass, Winchester primers and have a RCBS Rock Chucker press. I use only Redding dies because I have found that I get better accuracy with them!

Good luck and get yourself a good digital scale also!

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Guest shotist

Re: Reloading a .270 win

Better yet, get ALL of the manuals that you can lay your hands on before you ever get started. Remanufacturing ammunition is not voodoo, but there are inherent risks associated with the process. When in doubt, ask questions!! You'll get a fast reply from reliable sources that you can trust.

What will rolling your own buy you? Cheaper ammo in the long run, greater precision because it will be more uniform, it will be tailored to your specific rifle for whatever purpose you so choose and you will feel a sense of satisfaction harvesting animals or shooting tighter groups with something that you have crafted yourself.

A mentor that can walk you through the steps will shorten your learning curve and if they know their stuff, will be safer for you in the long run.

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Re: Reloading a .270 win

to atop some confusion when reloading i found that there are small books you can get that are round specific. ihave for the 30-06, 308,and 243 they will help you out and will show all the most modern used bullets. i myself used to shoot all nosler but i got hooked on barnes triple shock and haven't looked back. i used to love shooting the 130 grain from a 270 savage i had in the 111 model.

i would suggest trying some reloader and some imr and build you some loads of each.

rl 15 and 4064 which is what i used if i remember right and shot sub moa out to 100 yards

rob k

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Re: Reloading a .270 win


Get yourself a Hornady reloading manual. There are 2 volumes to it! Read and heed!

I load my own shells and for the 270 I use Hornady, 130 grain, Interbond bullets! I use Reloader 22 powder, Winchester brass, Winchester primers and have a RCBS Rock Chucker press. I use only Redding dies because I have found that I get better accuracy with them!

Good luck and get yourself a good digital scale also!

[/ QUOTE ]

Reloader 22 in a .270???? thats what i use in my .300 win mag crazy.gif

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