Favorite Christmas Movie?


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Well its that time of year again...the holidays are among us...Christmas time is near....what Christmas based movie is your favorite?? I just got done watching National Lampoons Christmas Vacation..that movie cracks me up...it definitely towards the top...some others would be home alone..and Santa Claus the movie (not to be confused with the santa clause with tim allen) grin.gif

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Re: Favorite Christmas Movie?

Christmas Story

My brother and I are addicted to this movie. His kids and my kids are now also. My wife had never seen it until our first Christmas together and now everytime it is on she tells me. I have the DVD also and will watch it several times a day during the Christmas holiday's.

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Re: Favorite Christmas Movie?

1. Christmas Story

2. Christmas Vacation

3. The Family Man

4. Charlie Brown Christmas

5. Home Alone

6. Mixed Nuts

Can't wait to see "The Nativity Story" that's coming out at the movies. Hopefully this will be my new favorite. cool.gif

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