Deer and cologne?


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Re: Deer and cologne?


I wear cologne 9 months out of the year--you can guess the 3 months I don't wear it!


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Well, I'm sticking my neck out here by guessing August?? grin.gif How do you think you scored second at the shoot?? The other guys in your group couldn't see through all the tears.... grin.gif

I wear cologne year around...just not on days I plan on hunting. I figure using scent free soap and cover scents will mask what little fumes are still there.

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Re: Deer and cologne?

My Grandfather wears Old Spice...

He feeds the deer and turkeys..... (shhh - dont tell DEC!)

Therfore during Hunting Season - I wear Old Spice!

actually I dont! Starting 2 weeks prior to the season, I shower in Robinson Outdoor Scent Shield soap and shampoo and use Scent Sheild deoderant.

no stinky stuff ever during hunting season!

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Guest deldeer

Re: Deer and cologne?

i do not use anything with any kind of odor.......remember if you can smell it, deer can smell it 100x's better....& never pump gas on your way hunting. i've see guys at the pumps in the morning. guess their not thinking about gas odors.

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Re: Deer and cologne?

I'm pretty strict on scent control. I usually don't wear cologne unless I'm going out on the town, but that is rare these days.

I never use cologne within 3 days of hunting no matter what. I had a watch a few years ago with a rubber band and even after I washed it in the washing machine with odor eliminating detergent, it still smelled like Polo cologne.

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