My Remington 1100 dosn't eject the shell why?

Guest DiegoTheBrownRedneck

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Guest DiegoTheBrownRedneck

I purchase this shotgun 8 months ago used and I was told that this shotgun was in excellent condition. I take it out for the first time to the range just before small game started in PA. I took two shots and the shell didn't eject so I had to take them out myself after each shot. What can it be and should I take it back to the shop that sold It to me or should I bring it to a gunsmith? What would you do? confused.giffrown.gifconfused.gif

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Re: My Remington 1100 dosn\'t eject the shell why?

couple thigns couldve been wrong

sometimes automatics cant eject really light load shells because it needs the gases from the shell to in the shells your shot trap or skeet with to practice, this would be if your gun was older

another thing could that it needs a good thorough cleaning

and third your gun could be a 23/4" only gun and you mightve shot 3" inch out which means it couldnt fit back out once shot

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Re: My Remington 1100 dosn\'t eject the shell why?


and third your gun could be a 23/4" only gun and you mightve shot 3" inch out which means it couldnt fit back out once shot

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If he shot 3" shells out of a 2 3/4" chamber he'd have a lot bigger problems, probably wouldn't have much of a barrel left, and he'd be lucky to still have his vision. crazy.gif

I'd start with giving the action a good cleaning and oiling. If that doesn't do it it's probably an O-ring that'll have to be replaced.

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Re: My Remington 1100 dosn\'t eject the shell why?

Actually, Shaun's reply is a little far off. I doubt there would be any damage to the gun at all. Not that I am recommending shooting 3" ammo in a 2 3/4" chamber mind you.

Back to the point. Is your 1100 a magnum? If so, its designed to shoot heavy loads. If you are shooting a light load it will not function properly. This is because of the heavier recoil spring. Its designed that way to keep the frame from getting batterred and cracking under the stress of heavy magnum loads.

The O-rings may need replacing.

The gas ports in the barrel may be clogged. This will limit the gas that is used to push the bolt/bolt carrier back. Like the others said, a good and proper cleaning will get it working.

Try these and see if they help. Let us know what the result is, if you would.

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Guest DiegoTheBrownRedneck

Re: My Remington 1100 dosn\'t eject the shell why?

Well when I bought this shotgun the guy from that shop sold me some 2 3/4 high brass shell. I just tryed shooting some 3" Remington nitro shells and no luck. What next?

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Re: My Remington 1100 dosn\'t eject the shell why?



and third your gun could be a 23/4" only gun and you mightve shot 3" inch out which means it couldnt fit back out once shot

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If he shot 3" shells out of a 2 3/4" chamber he'd have a lot bigger problems, probably wouldn't have much of a barrel left, and he'd be lucky to still have his vision. crazy.gif

I'd start with giving the action a good cleaning and oiling. If that doesn't do it it's probably an O-ring that'll have to be replaced.

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ive seen plenty of 3 inch shells go through a 2 3/4 just have to work the action manually cuz it will jam

basically just turns it into a single shot

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Re: My Remington 1100 dosn\'t eject the shell why?


Well when I bought this shotgun the guy from that shop sold me some 2 3/4 high brass shell. I just tryed shooting some 3" Remington nitro shells and no luck. What next?

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Woah woah woah. First off is your gun a magnum? How long is the chamber? I don't care what ammo the dealer sold you or what you used. What length ammo is the gun designed for?

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Guest DiegoTheBrownRedneck

Re: My Remington 1100 dosn\'t eject the shell why?

Yes It is a magnum and on the side of the barrel it reads 3"magum only. Why did they give me 2 3/4 shells is it OK to use 2 3/4 shells anyway or dose it miss up the shotgun.

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Re: My Remington 1100 dosn\'t eject the shell why?

You can indeed use 2 3/4" shells in the gun. You need to use heavy field loads that some call hi-brass loads at minimum, or 2 3/4" magnums to get it to cycle. The gun will not cycle with lighter ammo.

You said you tried 3" and it does not cycle with them either? What ammo did you use? If you are trying to use steel shot in that gun, be sure to check out the choke. Most of the magnum 1100 guns have full chokes as they were designed for waterfowl or turkey. Don't shoot steel in that barrel. If it is a modified choke you can shoot steel or lead.

See Xen's reply.

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