What's on your slugger??


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I was just wandering what everyone has for sights on their slug gun.I've used open rifle sights my whole life,but tried a scope this year hoping to increase my range a little.I just couldn't get used to it.It seemed like it took me a little longer to find the target,and it smacked me in the face twice.I ended up taking it off for our shotgun season.I was thinking of selling it and trying a red dot,but don't these need batteries to operate?I'm not to sure how well they would hold up to a week of below freezing temps,and it would be a bummer to pass a shot because they were dead.

So lets here what you got and how you like it.

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Re: What\'s on your slugger??

My father hunts witha red dot on his shotgun, in plenty of "below zero" temperatures and he has never had a problem with it not working while hunting! I also know he changes the battery before hunting season just to be safe but he probably doesn't even have to do that!

I use a 2 X 7 Nikon rifle scope. Once you get used to them they are amazing for accuracy purposes however there is an adjustment period. If you get a scope that's intended for shotguns you get a longer eye relief so you won't be as likely to get hit in the face.

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Re: What\'s on your slugger??

I had the tru-glo sights put on my gun two years ago.

My gun is a Winchester 1300 with a rifled barrel and the scope I bought is a Bushnell Sportsman 1.5-4.5 shotgun scope ,in Realtree Hardwoods of course.I think I'll try it again this summer,but I'll probably get it laser bore sighted to start off with this time so I'm in the ballpark when I sight it in.Last time I shot $55 worth of sabots and came home with a cut nose and eyebrow.

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Guest TerryWKoss

Re: What\'s on your slugger??

Leopold VXI 3x9x40 on a Mossberg 695.

I will never go back to irons.

I shot a 9 point @ a lazered 140yds opening day.

With my 870, i don't even take that shot.

YMMV. Terry

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Guest bowcrazy

Re: What\'s on your slugger??

Shooting with a Bushnell Trophy 1.5-4.5x32 on my Mossberg 835. Works well, sighted in at 100 yards easily. Probably will use on a muzzleloader once I find one.

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