NY Hunters, If You had A chance


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Guest carloracer1987

Re: NY Hunters, If You had A chance

stop doe tag's completely for the next five years and 3 points min on each side !! i sent them a message a week ago about this also!

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Re: NY Hunters, If You had A chance

I would like to know "if" they implemented the AR's statewide, how long would it take to get the buck to doe ratio in line and how long before deer of legal size are big enough to harvest. NY DEC has mismanaged the deer herd here for as long I as can remember and I do think insurance companies are somewhat to blame. I literally see maybe 1 antlered buck to every 20-30 does I see. We can go an entire season and not see a buck, let alone what would qualify as a "shooter", by AR standards. I could deal with this for 1 or 2 years. I am only afraid that it will not work out and only make things worse.

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Re: NY Hunters, If You had A chance

Combine Mr. Wiggely's thoughts with Swamphunter's and you have mine.

I also would like to see areas of NY, suburban and urban woods that aren't open to the public, open to hunters. This would help control the deer population in suburban and urban areas where access is limited.

I also wouldn't mind some public land in Westchester, which is darn near impossible. crazy.gif

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Re: NY Hunters, If You had A chance

the does are overpopulated in orange county and i think that the doe permits should still be used i know a farmer who gets nuesence tags they can kill up to 15 does this year with them they already shot 13 and if he fills all of these up then he can get more next year but even after 13 on one small farm there still running around everywere but i think the 3 point restriction is a great idea

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Re: NY Hunters, If You had A chance

Well lets see ....

1. Definately QDM (We need a healthier herd).

2. Shorten the gun seasons and get gun season out of the rut times

3. Make the state's seasons the same across the board and get rid of the North / South deal.

4. Implement tougher laws on poaching and violaters.

5. Coyote hunting year round.

6. Benefits for landowners that allow hunting on their property, via tax brake or something. Too much un-assesible land these days.

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Guest HaDeRonDa

Re: NY Hunters, If You had A chance

1. Year round coyote hunting allowing baiting. In Clinton County you can bait coyotes. There is a great test case for a statewide "open season" It's had no negative impacts on society. At least that I have become aware of.

2. The most dear problem that I have with the system is that you have to use your regular season tag if you shoot a deer with your bow if you are not in the special season created for the bow.

I feel that you should be allowed to use your bow tag during the regular season.

Just like you should be able to use your ML tag as well.

Any legal hunting impliment should be allowed but

that guy who buys the additional tag should be allowed to decide how the tag is used, pending the legal right to use the impliment. <--key words!!!

This would extend the usage of tags. Liberalize it so to speak. LMBO

You already can use your bow during the regular season even without a bow tag. You just need to produce, if questioned, your completion of a bow safety course or legal bow stamp. You are already at a disadvantage while using you bow or ML. Why not create the tag advantage if you decide to use those particular impliments?

If you sell the tag, you should be ready to accept the loss of the animal.

The state may not need to issue as many DMPs because of ML and bow hunters using their tags during the regular season as well. Hunter satisfaction keeps hunters in the sport. Those hunters spend $$$.

3. Enact legislation stating that the state/DEC can not enact a statewide blaze orange policy and that the that issue must be decided by the voters of a particular county.

It's out of the state's hands and in the hands of the county residents not some blind anti that has "issues" that needs to see orange in order to not point his gun.

Identify, Identify, Identify! Then raise you gun. Where has the personal responsibility gone?

LMBO. Side note.....like always!!! Why not genetically create orange deer? They won't know (they can't see orange) and there will then be fewer car collisions as well. One shade for a summer coat and one for fall/winter. At a distance on a golf course a bedded deer might just look like a golf ball and then if an inmate escapes from a prison they will have a higher probability of getting shot as well.

It's a double winner for society. But most of all, no constitutional rights will have been violated.

Oh, this would shorten the hunting season and make some interesting wall mounts. NO??

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Guest Hi-Tech RedNeck

Re: NY Hunters, If You had A chance

1.) Open Coyote Season year round.

2.) Do away with nuisance permits on property that is not open to the public for hunting. Do not issue nuisance permits to posted property. The game is the property of the residence of the state, if they are in fact a nuisance then the residence should be given the opportunity to harvest the game prior to nuisance permits being issued. . Require nuisance permits to be approved by neighboring property owners. Better yet do away with nuisance permits

3.) Issues Bonus tags/DMP for specific townships to make the harvest more location specific.

4.) Reduce number of double DMPs

5.) Specific QDM areas not an entire WMU. For example specifc tracts of big timber state land, these areas typically do not have huge deer numbers any way.

6.) Lets gets serious about poaching with mandatory penalties. Specifically shooting deer form a vehicle and shooting deer at night and shooting deer out of season should carry very stiff penalties. Leaving these cases up to local judges/DAs who may or may not care about deer population issues is un-realistic. Oh and lets try to actually catch some of them.

7.) Make spot lighting illegal. If you can not spotlight then the night time poachers will be obvious.

8.) Quit sending the Game officers to the Salmon River for the fall run, who cares about the fish and they are needed at home.

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Guest Hi-Tech RedNeck

Re: NY Hunters, If You had A chance

Why not extend the Southern Zone late Archery and Muzzleloder through the end of the year.

Where it is now it is not effective as many of the animals are still spooked from 3 weeks of gun season.

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Guest Zemmer18

Re: NY Hunters, If You had A chance

The pilot program for AR's expanded this year to 2 more DMU's making it 4, so it's a matter of time before most of the state gets it, IMO. I support it as well.

In another post on these boards it was not up for discussion about wanting to change the opening day back to a Monday. For goodness sakes WHY? It was voted on at meetings by hunters across the state to move it to Saturday so more people could get out in the woods and not have to miss work or whatever. What difference is that 2 day period going to make and what arguments are out there to change it back to Monday? I'm just curious because no matter what day it starts on, I'm on vacation from work so to me it doesn't really matter.

Now, my question would be, How do you accurately come up with your deer numbers? When the state first started tracking deer numbers how was the number obtained? Did they just say ummm theres 1 million out ther so lets start subtracting? Do they account a certain percentage each year for those hunters who don't like to report their deer either by accident or on purpose? Do all agencies report deer traffic accidents to a centralized location? What about a certain percentage set aside for those deer that do get hit by a car or shot by a hunter that don't get recovered becasue they run off in the woods but never get reported?

Sorry for the rant but I'd like to know how they get the numbers they report and use to calculate how many DMU's and herd numbers overall.

Lastly - I read in the local paper the other day that a guy was arrested for shooting a deer. Now the deer was tagged by the hunter and everything was legit excpet for the fact that the hunter who shot the deer was a convicted felon who should not have been in possesion of a firearm. Why on Earth would we sell a hunting license to a guy whom we don't want to have a firearm? The state keeps records of these felons. The state also runs the DECALS system. Maybe the 2 databases should be connected and if a convicted felon who is not suppossed to be in possesion of a firearm would not be able to purchase a hunting license. Fishing, thats fine, but no Hunting.

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Re: NY Hunters, If You had A chance

1. I would like to see more money put into the state wildlife properties around NY. I own land so I know how much better it can be with food plots and things like that on a property. Put money into developing the land the state has for our hunters.

2. Younger age limits for big game and small game hunters. Get them out in the woods before it is to late to get them involved.

3. AR's in the Jefferson and Lewis county DMU's, if the rest of you NY's don't want them that is your perogative.

4. Stiffer penalties for redneck moonlight hunters.

5. Stiffer penalties for people who get caught filling other peoples tags.

6. More education for deer hunters on what QDM is and the true benifits it can bring to our state.

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Re: NY Hunters, If You had A chance

In no particular order..........

1. Open season on coyotes.

2. Allow crossbows to be used during the regular archery season.

3. If you are going to keep them separate, a northern zone and a southern zone buck tag.

4. If you want just one season use the northern zone hunting season dates state wide.

5. Lower the minimum age for deer hunting.

6. If a landowner is getting nuisance deer permits, publish their names. This would allow other hunters to help fill some of the tags and puts everyone else on notice to keep your eyes open for abuse of the permits.

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Re: NY Hunters, If You had A chance

Good question...

1 - Wearing orang during rifle/shotgun seasons

2 - Turkey population, especially in my area

3 - Having a minimum number of people in a group doing a deer drive (our neighbors get a huge number together, surround a field, then empty their guns on running deer. Surprised one of them or even myself has not been shot yet)

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Re: NY Hunters, If You had A chance

#1) Lower the age for youth to hunt big game with a bow and with a gun. The younger we get kids involved the more likely they will continue a life in the outdoors when they get older.

#2) Year coyote hunting.

#3) Force munincipalities that take DEC money to open up areas to hunters, especially suburban areas that have a large problem with geese, deer and crows. Everybody wins.

#4) If a crossgun wink.gif season is established, keep it in the gun season or include it in late archery/muzzleloading.

#5) More DEC officers to patrol and enforce.

#6) Bring back deer check stations along the thruway and route 17 to collect data from all over the state concerning our herd. Especially CWD testing.

#7) Take installments on Lifetime licenses, say... pay within 12 months.

#8) Re vamp automated voice on the DECALS system mad.gif I hate it! Maybe Have Tiffany Lakosky do it grin.gif

Thats about all I have now....

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Guest nyhunter24

Re: NY Hunters, If You had A chance

Definately year round coyotes.

I like the idea of changing the entire state to the Northern zone dates.

Cancel deer season for a couple years in some areas to get the herd back up. Maybe just issue limited DMPs.

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Re: NY Hunters, If You had A chance

(1) Extend the Spring turkey season one week earlier, for 5 weeks total.

(2) Start the Fall turkey season on October 1st like the rest of the state, instead of on the 23rd of October, which is smack dab in the bowseason!!

(3) Impliment antler restrictions during the gun season, so that the smaller bucks can grow.

(4) Change the gun opener back to the first monday after the 15th in November.

(5) Allow Bowhunting in Erie county.

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